time to get real about the arrogant dolts whose only claim to fame
is spouting the unrelenting leftist drivel that scrolls by on their
teleprompters. In their sheltered network news world, everyone spews
the same lefty bovine excrement, marching in lockstep on such issues
as: repealing your second amendment right to keep and bear arms;
the relentless racism, sexism and classism being perpetrated by
those dastardly oppressors; the world threatening destruction caused
by capitalist exploitation; the end of life as we know it due to
global warming, rain forest destruction, secondhand smoke, and the
soul-shattering lard being packaged as fast food. Anyone who fails
to see the wisdom of their intellectual pablum is doomed, unless
you let them bring you to your senses. Arrogant? You bet. A leftist
plot to brainwash America? Give me a break! These talking head morons
are hard pressed to find their own butt with both hands and an anatomically
correct roadmap.
bias is real, but it's not a leftist plot to evangelize Amerika
with warmed over Marxism. True believers to the core, these talking
head-cases are fundamentally incapable of accepting the validity
of any view contrary to their leftist brain-fart. Advocates for
gun ownership...Critics of the junk science that promotes whoppers
like secondhand smoke, global warming and the evils of fast food
are given as much credence as someone who believes in a flat-earth,
alien abduction, or the Easter Bunny. The reason they never present
an opposing view is that they are so enamored of their liberal lunacy
that an opposing view is utterly unthinkable. The fun fact is that
these network news talking heads, despite all their obeisance at
the alter of diversity, are white, uptight, and so anal-retentive
that they fart lines from Karl Marx's 'Das Kapital'.
Why are the three network news cabals dominated by long-in-the-tooth
oppressors whose primary attribute is stampeding senitity? Don't
know...don't really give a rip. If they're so devoted to 'diversity'
where are the fat, ugly, crippled, speech-impared, short, sloppy,
drug addicted, alcoholic pot head teleprompter news readers? PIG
neither knows, nor do we give a flaming damn. It's our considered
opinion that watching the slobbering stupidity that passes for network
news is akin to subjecting yourself to an intellectual root canal,
7 days a week.
superior, 'Media Meatheads' are convinced that the world would be
a much better place, if only we lowly, clueless 'civilians' would
listen to them. They have all the answers, answers to every question,
and if you don't believe it, just ask them. But, before you shove
your brain into neutral and 'Ratherize', 'Brokawize' or 'Jenningize'
your life, it might be a good idea to take a long hard look at so-called
'objective' journalists.
you nourish the notion that journalists are objective purveyors
of fact, you're tragically deluded and living in journalism's distant
past. The bitter truth about 21st century journalism is this: all
news, every news item, from every news source contains 'spin'. Admittedly,
some journalistic spin spewers hide it better than others, but every
damn one does it, so don't take any news source at face value. Whether
the spin is intentional, imposed or inherent, it is inescapable,
a fact that must be accepted.
Intentional Spin occurs in blatantly partisan news sources such
as: Vast Right-Wing conspiracy dominated talk radio; overtly progressive
magazines like 'The Nation' and piously progressive radio, NPR -
National Public Radio; editorial page commentators who wear their
political philosophy like a badge of honor; Vast Right-Wing Internet
sites like NewsMax, Front Page, Town Hall, Free Republic, World
Net Daily; liberal to a fault news shows like 60 Minutes, Front
Line, Good Morning America, Hardball, The Today Show, Dateline,
Crossfire; CNN in its entirety. Fox News spins too, and they openly
admit it, Why do you think they shout 'fair and balanced' from the
rooftops? Intentional spin features news that is dispensed by unabashedly
biased hosts who do their level best to lure the viewer to endorse
the host's personal delusion of reality.
Spin stems from various sources, the most prevalent of which include:
journalism's diversity-intensive hiring practices; official style
guides that impose political correctness through ruthlessly enforced
restrictions on the nature, terminology and subject matter allowed
in authorized news items. The L.A. Times is a notable, highly-publicized
style guide offender, and it's hardly an isolated case. Diversity
hiring can be detected by scanning the names listed in your local
fishwrap's bylines, paying attention to Teleprompter reader gender/ethnicity,
reading the names listed in the credits for your favorite boob tube
news show.
Spin is the most pervasive form and the one that generates the most
talk about 'liberal media bias'. Journalists report the world as
they see it and, tragically, most live in an isolated, terminally-liberal
outpost in which everyone is a socialist, progressive or Marxist.
Their reporting is skewed, because they sincerely believe that their
views are those shared by everyone, except for a shrinking minority
that resides in rustic enclaves that are populated by Vast Right-Wing,
Holy Roller Neanderthals. Inherent spin also occurs when a wet-behind-the-ears,
journalism school graduate emerges from the Ivory Tower Marxist
indoctrination factory. Clueless, this degree-packing dolt reports
the world the way his Marxist journalism professors explained it.
Surrounded by leftist Wingnuts, this journalism grad needs a reality
check, but it's never going to happen.
to here with all this Spin doctored news? You've come to the right
place, because PIG's Media section will help you detect Spin, assess
the Spin doctor's bias, then neutralize it with some tried and true
Spin-Slaughtering tactics. If you're mad as hell about this Spin
doctored news and not going to take it a moment longer, you've come
to the right place.
T.D. Treat and P.K. Crowley