Dumbing Down History In Georgia
Atlanta Journal Constitution

Georgia Educrats ran up the white flag and surrendered any pretext of teaching meaningful history to government cess-school inmates. It's called a new high school history curriculum, but a better term would be 'history ultra lite'. Under the new curriculum, world history begins in 1500 CE, rendering Classic Greece, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and countless other historical mainstays, non-entities. Big fun, and there's more.

After a two-week sprint through the Amerikan revolution, Amerikan history begins in 1876. The Civil War, under this view, never happened. The Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, the bloody extermination wreaked on Siberian-Amerikans, the Mexas rebellion against Mexico, the Mexican War, and other essential moments in American history never happened. Instead, cess-school inmates will 'write a 1920's radio drama' (AJC), write 'essays about dating in the Jazz Age and show segments from "All in the Family", "Good Times" and "Chico and The Man"...' (AJC).

That stench wafting up from Georgia cess-schools is the ripe aroma generated by this Educrap. Thanks to the Lapdog's new Educrap initiative - No Child Left Behind - with it's obsession over achievement tests, states are scrambling to meet the new federal standards. Fortunately, there's an easy way out. States get to devise the tests used to measure student achievement. Dumbing down the course material, then testing accordingly, guarantees that state history test scores in Georgia will look great on paper, until you ask a straight-A Peach State history student about Abe Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Robert E. Lee, the Emancipation Proclamation, or the Alamo.

This fetid Georgia Educrap scheme is that educrat mainstay: When all else fails, lower the standards. Idiots with self-esteem? You better believe it, Southern-fried Sparky.

Trouble In Hyphenville
Source: World Net Daily

When it came time for Westside High School (Omaha, Nebraska) Martin Luther King Day celebration, Trevor Richards' friends decided to honor the moment by nominating Johannesburg-born Trevor for the school's "Distinguished African-American Student" award. The moment Trevor's friends put up their 'vote Trevor' posters, the bovine excrement hit the fan, sending Ethnocrats and school officials into a hyphen-parsing tizzy.

The fun fact here is this: no shit an African-Amerikan, Trevor is not now, and never has been black. That's what put the race card warriors panties in a wad, proving, conclusively, that Ethnocrats and their Korrectnik enablers must hand over their senses of humor, when they're issued their race cards. Unable to endure the 'joke' with a groan and some head-shaking, race-obsessed school officials suspended Trevor and his friends, creating even more turmoil at Westside High.

An essential factoids about this award include:

'...the first two recipients of the student award were white. "It was not intended at the beginning to be one race only," Clidie Cook, who helps organize the annual event, told the [Omaha] World-Herald...' (WND)

Westside High Educrats decided that the award must be racially exclusive, so if anyone is the racist in the woodpile, it's these Korrectnik Educrats. The problem here is, as usual, terminology. "African-American", despite Ethnocrat intentions, implies anyone whose ancestry can be traced back to Africa. On that basis, Trevor is more entitled to this label than Je$$e Jackson. If they need a term to replace 'black' and they apparently do, this pagan is willing to sell licensing rights to his celebrated, unambiguous 'melanin-enriched', a term that can't be stretched to include a dastardly oppressor, no matter where his family originated.

Educrap Jargon
Washington Post

Educrats go the extra mile to expel reality from the government cess-schools they infest, in their mindless quest to bolster student self-esteem, at all costs. Just because the idiots with self-esteem they perpetrate can't read - or spell - the words used in the classroom, doesn't mean they aren't egregiously wounded by certain terms when they hear them. Determined to eliminate any spoken language-related problems, Educrats redefine reality as follows:

Terms That Wound Student Self-Esteem Newly Approved Terminology:
Comparing = bookstext-to-text connections
Detention = Reinforcement room, or reflection room
Reading quietly at one's desk = sustained-silent reading
A written essay = extended constructed responses
Learning/practicing subtraction problems = modeling efficient subtraction strategies
Multiple choice [questions] = selected response [questions]test assessment
Classroom trailer = learning cottage
Paragraph = brief constructed response

There's a compelling synergy at work when schools that no longer teach use language that no longer communicates. File this epic with your Jupiter-size folder containing reasons that our one-size-fits-all, compulsory government cess-schools don't work.


Zero Tolerance, Again
Source: Reuters

A second grade verbal exchange made a 7 year old Philly wenchlet zero tolerance Educrap's newest victim. It started when her classmate said, "I swear to God." Reacting to this utterance, Brandy McKenith admonished the lad:

'..."I said, 'You're going to go to hell for swearing to God,'" Brandy was quoted as saying in an article that appeared on the Web site of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review on Wednesday...' (Reuters)

Faster than warp speed milk spit, Brandy is suspended for a week, because she violated the student code banning 'profanity'. Although profanity isn't defined by the code, Philly's zero tolerance bonkers Educrats decreed that 'hell' made the cut. If this is a stop the presses Educrap issue, no wonder government cess-school graduates can't read, write or compute. From this pagan scribbler's vantage point, our wenchlet heroine, Brandy, has more intellectual firepower than all these zero tolerance Educrats combined. Chin up, darlin...You're not the one with the problem.

This must be a very hot political potato, since relevant Educrats are "unavailable for comment".

Ivory Tower Insanity
Source: Houston Chronicle

A legendary Mexas Ivory Tower - Mexas A & M - is boldly going where it's never gone before, to appease the state's burgeoning Colonista infestation. With considerable fanfare - not to mention a self-congratulatory orgy that involves relentless back patting - this visionary Mexas school - including all it's affiliated campuses - announced a new doctoral program in Hispanic Studies. That's right, Sombrero Stomper scholarship can now bestow a Doctor of Stompology Degree on Colonistas who simply can't let go of the old country.

If, like me, you serve up the salient interrogatory, you'll wonder, what, exactly does the Doctor of Stompology do with this bullshit degree? As usual, you've come to the right place for the answer:

'...Martin-Rodriguez [director of Hispanic studies in College Station] said the A&M program should help solve a Texas and nationwide shortage of professors whose expertise is Hispanic studies. He cited the latest statistics showing more than 400 openings around the country for faculty positions in Hispanic-related fields, and 14 of those were in Texas...' (Chronicle)

That's right, stompology fans...these Doctor-degreed Ethnocrats spread out to convert more Amexicans into whining, chronically-oppressed Colonistas. It's very similar to a rash...The more you scratch it, the worse it gets...the more it spreads. What we really need in Amerika isn't more Doctor degree packing Ethnocrats. What we need is a program that confers a Doctorate in Sovereign Individualism, but don't hold your breath waiting for the eggheads to offer anything as essential as that.

Those Wacky College Kids
Source: Fox News

Campus based vast right-wing conspirators continue to launch hypersensitive eggheads into orbit with their inspired antics. This week's exercise in painful - for campus way lefty dweebs - reality comes courtesy of the college republicans at Rhode Island's Roger Williams University. 'Inspired' doesn't begin to do this one justice:

'...[College republicans offer] a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action. The application for the $250 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness." "Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application...' (Fox News)

That sound that just knocked you off your chair is the primal scream sent up by campus liberals. Holy politically-incorrect reality checks, Batman! Exactly. Kudos!

An Unlikely Ivory Tower Adventure
Source: Citizen-Times (Asheville, North Carolina)

A veteran (25 years in the Ivory Tower trenches) egghead at a Southern-Fried knowledge factory - Mars Hill College - decided to Emerilize his sociology class with a stunt that prompted him to seek early retirement. Intending to makes a point about cultural differences regarding public nudity, he offering to confer an 'A' on any student that let it all hang out by stripping down to the buff, in front of the entire class. Faster than a warp speed stripper pasty, one student accepted the offer, elevating the professor's offer to a campus legend that terminated the professor's career in a heartbeat.

Since the Ivory Tower in question is 'affiliated with the Baptist Church', you gotta know that the school administration isn't thrilled spitless over this unusual show and tell episode. In fact, they're so unthrilled they refused to confer the promise 'A' on the eager student. Life is so unfair that way.

Demonstrating that shoddy journalism is endemic, this southern-fried fishwrap didn't reveal the gender of the eager to show it all scholar.

Ivory Tower Korrectness
Source: News-Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina)

When a vast right-wing conspirator opined that homosexuality doesn't thrill him spitless in his "Literature and Cultural Diversity" class, the egghead wench teaching the class went electronically postal over the dude's exercise in classroom free speech.

'...In an e-mail message sent Feb. 6 to her "Literature and Cultural Diversity" students, the lecturer, Elyse Crystall, wrote, "[W]hat we heard [T]hursday at the end of class constitutes 'hate speech' and is completely unacceptable. [I]t has created a hostile environment." Crystall went on to name the student, identified as Tim, and said he was a perfect example of the topic of discussion during class: privilege. She referred to Tim as "a white, heterosexual, [C]hristian male" who "can feel entitled to make violent, heterosexist comments and not feel marked or threatened or vulnerable."...' (News-Observer)

Apparently, the Ivory Tower brigade's oft ballyhooed 'free exchange of ideas' is limited to 'authorized ideas' as defined by campus Korrectniks. Admittedly, this isn't breaking news to this pagan or his loyal readers, but it caught UNC, Chapel Hill, authorities flat-footed. The ensuing official response appears to be motivated, in large part, by U.S. Representative Walter B. Jones, an elephant clan hack who demanded that the state's Attorney General investigate this Korrectnik egghead wench, to determine of she violated state laws. The same legicrat is firing off pointed prose to the U.S. Educrap Office of Civil Rights, in his zeal to roast some Korrectnik Educrat butt.

That fast, the wench is apologizing to anyone, everyone, dishing up crocodile tears in the process, no doubt. Determined to quell a looming vast right-wingnut conspiracy eruption, UNC-CH Chancellor, James Moeser, belatedly discovered that academia's cherished 'free speech', includes vast right wingnuts, too:

"At Carolina, our responsibility is to remain a vibrant intellectual community in which all viewpoints can be comfortably expressed and heard in an atmosphere of respect," he wrote [in a letter to Congressman Jones]. "Universities exist to promote the free exchange of ideas. As a public university, we at Carolina have a special responsibility to vigorously protect the right of everyone to be heard." (News-Observer)

It's doubtful, at best, that this incident will impose any lasting changes on this Korrectnik wench, or UNC-CH. If anything good comes from this, it might involve giving besieged-by-lefty-drivel students the courage to speak up in class and stand firm when the lefty eggheads try to silence these 'unauthorized' views. Has this southern-fried tempest unleashed free speech on this Carolina campus? Don't know, but it's a distinct possibility.

Nailing The NEA
Source: Stealth News Wire (2/23)

At a recent meeting with the elephant clan governors, federal Educrap Secretary, Ron Paige, called the NEA a terrorist organization. Admittedly, this pagan scribbler tends to agree with this assessment, but questions Secretary Paige's timing. It's probably not 'an idea whose time has come' to lay into the NEA, near eager lefty reporters, during a presidential election cycle. Maybe Secretary Paige will console himself with the thrilling fact that he just earned this pagan's highly prized Golden D'Oh nomination.

Criminalizing Adolescence
Source: Sacramento Bee (2/25)

When a 10-year-old lad 'made a crude remark about a girl's chest', the Korrectnik Educrat Gestapo came down on him like Old Ka-Boom's legendary wrath. Faster than a speeding blackboard eraser, Sacramento Unified School District officials cited him for - I am not making this up - sexual harassment and suspended this prepubescent Oppressor.

Understandably outraged, the lad's parents kicked up a major fuss, but the Educrats had bigger fish to fry. Faced with this horrendous crime against budding femininity, Educrats decided to force all the district's captive audience to endure a Korrectnik screed against adolescence called "Respecting Each Other: Sexual Harassment Prevention". Cheerfully clueless, reality-phobic Educrats refuse to face the facts: This kid is 10 years old and probably has no clue what a 'sexual' is. He knows even less what it means to harass it.

This zero tolerance bovine excrement does more than criminalize adolescence. It teaches wenchlets that they are victims. I so don't need government cess-schools teaching their captive audience how to become victims. The Ivory Tower already cornered that educrap niche. Why can't little Johnny read, write or compute? He's too busy attending lectures on subjects he can't begin to understand.

File this with your Jupiter-size archive of reasons our government cess-school scheme must be abolished, right damn now!

Buckeye Educrap
Source: Toledo Blade (2/26)

A horndog Ohio teacher got nailed for thinking with the little head instead of the big one, when he gave a wenchlet in his class a photo of his crotch. Although clothed at the time he photographed his nads, his extra-curricular antics should - in a rational world - get his ass fired. Instead, school officials suspended him for a puny 10 days, then let the Toledo Federation of Teachers strong-arm local administrators into removing all mention of this asshat's antics - including his disciplinary hearing - from his personnel file.

What's wrong with this picture? Every-god-damn-thing!

Educrats Finally 'Get It'
Source: Herald Sun (Aussie)

Believe it or not a Federal Government Educrat cabal just issued an edict that will 'let teachers fail students and make them repeat years if they cannot pass benchmark tests, under new Federal Government funding rules' (Herald Sun).

If you're wondering how this breaking news eluded Amerikan news Nazis, wonder no more, because the Federal Government that finally woke the hell up about social promotions rules Australia. Amerikan Educrats are still asleep at the wheel, and unlikely to wake up before our sun burns out.

Aussie parents are behind this Educrap revolution, down under. Their complaints mushroomed when their tykes came home with so-called grades like "working towards", "emerging" and "developing". Unable to decode this Educrap bovine excrement, they complained to Aussie Education Minister, Brendan Nelson, the man behind the push for a no shit pass or fail grading system. In addition to linking funding to these grading reforms, he's pushing through a standardized grading scheme that all Aussie Educrats must employ, if they want money from the Feds.

Kudos to Dr. Nelson for imposing this reality check on Aussie Educrats.

MARCH 2004

Fiddling While The Schoolhouse Burns
Source: AP [3/27]

A 12-year-old land of hanging chads government cess-school wenchlet got suspended for 'distracting other students from learning' (AP) an unpardonable sin that could undermine the Middle School inmates' performance on standardized tests, school administrators claim.  What, you ask, is this wenchlet's crime against government educrap?  She has a small diamond stud in her nose.  No shit, that's it...a diamond stud in her nose.  If that's all it takes to throw these Florida government cess-schooled dolts off their game on the standardized tests, this Florida educrap cabal has much bigger problems than some wenchlet's nose jewelry.

Payback's A Bitch
Source: News Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina) [3/27]

The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill egghead - she's the wench who went publically postal when a cross cult oppressor in her English class dissed GLAAD BAAGs - is getting an education in election year hypersensitivity.  After several North Carolina vast right-wingnut hacks kicked up a fuss, the bureaucrats in the federal educrap cabal decided to look into this southern-fried whiz-a-thon. 

'...The probe will analyze whether the teacher's actions amounted to harassment and whether the school reacted appropriately.  A letter from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announced the decision last week...'  (News Observer)

Proving that they still don't 'get it', UNC-Chapel Hill faculty eggheads, formally, resolved to aid and abet "intellectual independence, nondiscrimination on the basis of, among others, race, sex and sexual orientation, free speech and expression" (News Observer).  These Ivory Tower cretins further resolved to torpedo any attempt to balance the leftist to a fault faculty demographics via the hiring process.  Go figure.

As usual, this pagan scribbler has a couple questions for these clueless eggheads:

What does race, gender and/or sexual orientation have to do with free speech, free expression and intellectual  independence?

If your entire faculty is militantly Marxist, how can you confer intellectual independence on your students in your egregiously politicized classrooms?

Fear not, Marxist egghead asshats, when the dust settles and the election cycle runs its course, you'll still be free to poison student minds with your Amerika-hating drivel.  I can live with that, but I'll never stop hammering your commie, pinko asses while you're spewing your fetid propaganda on my damn dime!

A Georgia Educrap Melee
Source: Sacramento Bee [3/24]

Georgia educrats went postal when they discovered no less than 11 teachers who got fat pay-raises thanks to advanced degrees they purchased from a Liberian diploma mill called St. Regis University.  Outraged state educrats want a full refund and they want it right now.  Curiously, this emotional 'I want my damn money back' sentiment is shared by Georgia's government-cess school, uh, clients, but I digress, again. 

If you're considering this career-advancement shortcut, here are the thrilling details.  For a modest fee, St. Regis will bestow advanced degree: $995 gets you a Masters; $1500 bags a doctorate.  Anyone who has 'life experience' is qualified, as long as your check clears.

Trivial Pursuits
Source: Scotsman (UK) [3/22]

Rutgers-dwelling eggheads are so bored they're searching a long running cartoon for nutritional inspiration.  For reasons only known by them, so-called researchers spent countless hours - and wads of dead presidents - compiling data on Homer Simpson and his dietary habits.  This lunacy demonstrates - conclusively - that intelligent lifeforms no longer inhabit Amerikan Ivory Towers.

'...A team of researchers from New Jersey's Rutgers University ploughed through 63 episodes of the hit cartoon show to analyse what sort of a health message it was sending out. Failing to see the joke, they were unimpressed.

"Fats, sweets and alcohol, particularly beer, doughnuts and salty/fatty/snacks accounted for 52 per cent of all foods eaten in this programme," their report said. "Homer was also portrayed eating food more often (he alone accounted for 21 per cent of all actions showing food being eaten) and ate greater quantities than other characters."...'  (Scotsman)

Do these Jersey jackasses envision the Homer J. Simpson diet as a meaningful alternative for the protein punks main-lining on Atkins fare?  Somebody needs to give them a heads-up: The Simpsons is a cartoon, shit for brains.  It's entertainment, period.  Taking diet advice from Homer makes as much sense as seeking management tips from Dilbert's pointy-hair boss or productivity tips from Dilbert's pal Wally.

Somebody ramp up the voltage at Rutgers, because those shock treatments aren't working worth a damn.

Teacher's Pet

Source: NY Daily News (3/17)

A Big Apple Lutheran high school is shaken to the core by a student-teacher sex scandal.  This fishwrap reports that 31-year old Cheryl Reyna taught a certain - presumably irresistible - teenage wench a lot more than Spanish during their frequent extra-curricular encounters.  Call me names if you must, but I thought foraging in teenage wench knickers was strictly a guy thing.

Unwilling to simply state that "girls will be girls", cupid-hating justice officials charged the horny teacher with sodomy, sexual abuse, plus endangering the welfare of a child.  It all sounds stern and meaningful, but I'm guessing this teacher-student stink finger episode results in a wrist-slap, at most.  I hear your shocked denials, but I'm not buying it for a second.  It's double standards time in the Big Apple.

Florida Educrap Angst
Source: South Florida Sun Sentinel (3/15)

Broward County educrats are in a mega tizzy because school teacher diversity doesn't match cess-school inmate diversity.  They are shocked, dismayed and alarmed that it's hard - and getting harder all the time - to lure minority teachers into their cess-school classrooms.  When pressed for root causes to this minority hiring 'crisis', certain educrats are more honest than this pagan scribbler thought possible:

'..."They're just not out there," said Dorsey Miller, the district's former diversity department head. His alma mater, Morehouse College, once the largest producer of minority educators, no longer even has an education program.  "Back in the day, my day, the greatest profession as it related to prestige and income that a black could go into was education," Miller said. "But when other professions opened up to us, education became low on the totem pole."...'  (Sun Sentinel)

Diversity is cool, the usual suspects opine, because cess-school inmates must 'be exposed to different cultures and philosophies'.  They go on with bovine excrement about 'cultural sensitivity' which is educrap code for "only a black teacher can understand a black student".  Let whitey say this crap and you could hear their screaming about 'racism' all the way out to Pluto.  For these Florida educrats, [racial] group affiliation is the be-all, end-all for aspiring teachers.  Individual ability, intelligence and accomplishments pale by comparison [pun intended].

Self-Imposed Ivory Tower Misery
Source: Sacramento Bee (03/13)

Brown University's new President is a double threat when it comes to group think whining.  In addition to being a NO-NAD in good standing, President Ruth Simmons is also the first melanin-enriched whiner to occupy the university's presidential office.  More than run of the mill melanin-enriched, she proudly reports that she's the 'great-granddaughter of slaves'.  This essentially irrelevant slave connection is so important to her that she wants to make it the centerpiece of her presidential tenure.

'...[She has] established a committee to examine the school's historical ties to slavery and debate whether the university should make amends...'  (Bee)

Am I the only one smelling a reparations brain-fart?  I doubt it.  Since Brown University made this ethnocrat wench hell, it's beyond fair that they burn in it.

Downsizing Mexas Educrap
Source: Houston Chronicle (03/04)

Enlisting the state's fat Nazis from the Texas Department of Agriculture to coerce compliance, Mexas educrats just imposed Draconian food guidelines for state schools, in a valiant effort to downsize government cess-school inmates. The rules are so sweeping that even the venerable school bake sale landed on the nanny state's chopping block. Real fruit juice, skim milk, fresh fruit and veggies are a few blights being foisted off on school inmates. Ugh!

Determined to hit the schools where it hurts, compliance is tied to government school meal subsidies - $1.20 for each breakfast, $2.19 for each lunch, from Uncle Sam.

'..."TDA will aggressively enforce and diligently monitor the Texas School Nutrition Policy to ensure compliance," the official policy notes. "When violations of this policy are noted, TDA will disallow all meal reimbursement for the day and require the school to reimburse the food service account for the lost reimbursement."...' (Chronicle)

Although Mexas bureaucrats worry that Amexican tykes will develop Type II diabetes in alarming numbers, they don't give a flaming damn if little Guadalupe or Jose can't read, write or compute...in any language. Fiddling while the schoolhouse burns? You better believe it, nanny state Sparky.

MAY 2004

A New Hampshire Egghead Adventure
Source: Boston Globe [5/13]

Red faces abound at the New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation thanks to its CEO's educational accomplishments. With a bachelor's degree and MBA from one University and a law degree from another, Rene Drouin looks highly qualified for the job, on paper. The fun - embarrassing - fact is that the two universities involved - Kensington University and La Salle University - are "diploma mills".

'...Kensington University was shut down by court orders in California and Hawaii. It now operates out of India. LaSalle University, which has no relation to La Salle University in Philadelphia, was shut down in 1997 after it falsely claimed to be accredited. An FBI probe that year resulted in the school's management being convicted of money laundering and mail fraud...' (Boston Globe)

Rene's professional cohorts circled the wagons, giving glowing endorsements about "Rene's dedication to higher educrap. Apparently, Rene got so busy promoting other people's education, he didn't have time to get his own degrees, the hard way. Educrap ethics continue to mystify this rational adult.

Ivory Tower Korrectness?
Source: Chicago Sun-Times [5/12]

Syracuse University perpetrated a Korrectnik brain-fart that made them replace the athletic team monkers "Orangemen", "Orangewomen" with a suitably generic "Orange". The athletic director's announcement steers clear of Korrectness by avowing devotion to the color orange: "We are the only school in the country that has orange as its primary color. We want to accentuate that fact." (Athletic Director Jake Crouthamel as quoted by the Sun-Times). This is a steaming load of horse pucky and you can quote me.

Zero Tolerance in Mexas
Source: MSNBC [05/01]

A twelve year old Houston wenchlet got a crash course in her government cess-school's zero tolerance brain-fart thanks to her nifty new souvenir T-shirt. The instant cess-school officials saw it, they went zero tolerance postal, claiming that the shirt constituted 'writing on clothing that is lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene' (MSNBC). This zero tolerance blithering leads us to our Paul Harvey Moment:

'..The T-shirt says, "Somebody went to the Hoover Dam and all I got was this 'Dam' t-shirt."...' (MSNBC)

Our young heroine, Heather Mercer, refuses to back down and vows a vigorous defense of her free speech protection under the First Amendment. Kudos! Give them hell, darlin.

JUNE 2004

Teacher's Pet
Source: Houston Chronicle   [06/29]

A 23-year-old educrat hottie put an indelible smirk on a 14-year-old lad's face when she got eagerly horizontal and squishy with him.  Hot -and then some - for his underage...wood, she laid her yum-yum on her prize stallion, uh, student 'in a classroom, at her apartment and, once, in a vehicle, while the teen's 15-year-old cousin drove' (Chronicle).

Proving how reality insulated Educrats are, the hottie teacher's school 'placed her on administrative duty' and might suspend her without pay.  In a rational world, they'd fire the horny bitch.

Too Real In Brooklyn
Source: NY Daily News    [6/26]

When Tiffany Schley gave the valedictory address to her High School for Legal Studies classmates, her inspiring prose motivated school officials to deep-six her diploma.  What, you ask, elicited this harsh response?
'...Among her gripes: The school has had four principals in four years, overcrowded classes, a shortage of textbooks and other basic materials, unqualified teachers, unstable staffing and uncaring administrators who refused to meet with students to discuss the school's problems...'  (Daily News)

Proving the merit in Tiffany's accusations, school officials escorted Tiffany from the building after refusing to hand over the diploma Tiffany earned.  No doubt, these educrat bright bulbs are thrilled spitless over the ensuing publicity.  Like all cockroaches, educrats hate the bright light that exposes them for the loathsome vermin they are. 

Don't worry about Tiffany, she's headed for Smith College on a full scholarship.  Kudos, are eagerly conferred on Tiffany for daring to be real.

Another Terrors Of Technology Epic
Source: Reuters   [06/18]

Students in the D-cup heartland, routinely, use cell phone text messages and/or cell phone generated images to help each other cheat on their tests, but those days may come to a screeching halt thanks to the Enrico Tosi Technical Institute.  This school pioneered a high tech solution to this cell idiot cheating.

'...The box-like units, called C-Guard, were developed by experts from the military and defense industries for Netline Communications Technologies. They jam signals in a 262-foot radius in enclosed spaces.   They could eventually be installed across Italy to prevent cheating during university exams...'  (Reuters)

It appears that these cheating students must resort to that venerable, oft maligned, low tech exam passing scheme.  It's called studying and it's been working quite efficiently, for eons.

Government Educrap Exposed, Again

Source: ABC   [6/10]

Achieve, Inc took a long, hard look at government cess-schools and isn't thrilled spitless with its findings.  Described as 'a nonprofit group that promotes higher academic standards' by these alleged news purveyors, Achieve examined the high school graduation tests for six states: Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio and Mexas.  In a rational world, their findings would set off alarm bells throughout the educrap establishment:

'...The Achieve report concluded that the exams in the six states cover "material that most students study early in their high school careers" and that the passing scores established by the states reflect "modest expectations."  The tests in the six states measure "only a fraction" of the knowledge and skills that colleges and employers say is essential, according to Matthew Gandal, who directed the study.
The report judged the math questions on the tests against the results of international research into math and science education in 41 countries.  "The content measured on the tests is taught, on average, at the 8th grade level internationally," the report noted. "The material on the exams states are using as a requirement for high school graduation is considered middle school content in most other countries."...'  (ABC)

No educrats are cited in this article, but we all know what they'll say.  "Give us more dead presidents and our results will leave you breathless."  No doubt...With enough money poured down this government cess-school rathole, our cess-school graduates' scholastic achievement will make Bangladesh's first graders seem like rocket scientists.

Lowering the Educrap Bar
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer   [6/10]

Seattle's government cess-school officials perpetrated an unscheduled rational outburst that made them Emerilize the state's new educrap requirements, but they're back to business as usual...now.  Improbable as it must seem, these educrats actually exceeded the state's new requirements, a feat that alarmed the usual idiots-with-self-esteem apologists.

'...Among the items being taken off the table are requirements that students earn 24 credits instead of the current 20, study a foreign language to graduate and take additional math and science classes.  They would also have been required to demonstrate proficiency in five areas: communication; career awareness and life skills; the arts; quantitative and scientific reasoning; and democracy, diversity and community stewardship...'  (Post-Intelligencer)

I get the additional foreign language, math and science requirements, but haven't got a clue about "life skills", "diversity", and "community stewardship".  If career awareness is more meaningful than 'don't be a leech, get a job, dummy', it's wasting time and money.  It's a good thing these cruel taskmasters were stopped before they imposed - gasp - real learning on cess-school inmates.

Life would be much easier, for educrats, if government cess-schools could eliminate this 'instilling knowledge' stuff completely.  That would allow them to use those all important dead presidents for more important things: brainwashing their captive audience with those terminally Marxist, Korrectnik ideas.

Whitey Need Not Apply
Source: Houston Chronicle    [06/10]

Houston's government cess-school district has a job opening at the top, but, unless you're a Sombrero Stomper, your application won't be welcomed.  In its infinite wisdom, the dolts tasked with this job search decided that only a "Hispanic" applicant will fill the bill, because melanin-advantaged ethnocrats are holding the district's feet to the fire:

"I truly want it to be a Hispanic so we can take care of the dropout problem. If it's not a Hispanic, there will be a tremendous outcry, I can guarantee you that."  (-- Mary Ramos, state deputy director of youth, League of United Latin American Citizens, as quoted by the Chronicle)

According to this fishwrap spew, finding a qualified Sombrero Stomper candidate won't be a slam dunk, an assertion illustrated by the fun fact that among the nation's 64 largest cess-school districts only 4 have a "Hispanic" at the top. Is this institutional racism rearing its evil head?  Not according to the fishwrap which admits:

'...The pool of candidates, however, will be shallow. Unlike black school administrators, Hispanics haven't yet created an organized professional network to groom leaders. The Houston-based Texas Association of Hispanic School Administrators has gone dormant. And the newly formed national Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents will hold its first national conference in Chicago in October...'  (Chronicle)

This asinine quest for a properly color coded district superintendent demonstrates a key distinction between  government cess-schools and marketplace-based education.  In a marketplace-based education system, the only requisite applicant qualification would be his, her or its ability to perform the job.  In a marketplace-based education system, an individual student's most important characteristic would be his, her or its learning ability and/or accomplishments, not their immutable traits.  Only a marketplace education system would have the nads to focus on a student as an individual, rather than a member in good standing of some mythical properly-hyphenated group.  By its very nature, Houston's government cess-school cabal is incapable of reaching this educational epiphany.

Any rational adult who subjected his, or her offspring to Houston's government cess-school system should read this 'Hispanics only' job search as a dire warning that the lunatics have taken over this government educrap asylum.  Run, don't walk, little John, Jane, Jamal, Darcel, Juan, or Guadalupe to the nearest cess-school exit.

NAACP Dissed
Source: Sacramento Bee   [06/05]

A rosary true believer Ivory Tower thrilled melanin-enriched students spitless when Ivory Tower administrators turned down a student request to organize an NAACP chapter on campus.  Faster than a speeding race card, NAACP President - and top ethnocrat - Kweisi Mfume had a hissy fit: "It's outright discrimination and intolerance rolled into one..." (Bee).  This fishwrap reports that this is the first time in decades that an Ivory Tower had the spine to say "thanks, but no thanks" to this melanin-enriched whiner cabal.

'...The university rejected a student's attempt to start a chapter in April on the ground that the campus already had two groups that represent black students: the Black Organization of Students at Catholic University of America and Minority Voices, an umbrella group for minority organizations.
"He [a student named William Jawando] did not demonstrate in the view of university officials ... that this chapter of the NAACP would fill a need that isn't already being met by organizations in existence," said Victor Nakas, university spokesman...'  (Bee)

This fishwrap piece implied that this rejection is directly related to the NAACP's support for a pro-abortion rights rally last April.  The school denies it, along with melanin-enriched sour grapes that the school is afraid of NAACP perpetrated protests on their campus.  One or both could be true, but so damn what?  It's a private school that is entitled to set its own rules.  Can a get a rousing "no harm, no foul" amen from the congregation?

Pittsburgh Prom Furor
Source: CBS   [06/03]

Students organizing Avonworth Senior High School's annual prom thrilled the usual suspects spitless when they passed out engraved shot glasses to prom attending boys and engraved champagne flutes to prom attending girls as 'prom favors'.  What, exactly, are the activities planned for this teenage ritual, when booze glasses are the official prom favor?  Enquiring minds want pictures, damn it!

JULY 2004

Expletive-Intensive Educrap
Source: The Erwin Record (Erwin, Tennessee) [07/27]

When Director of Schools Denise Brown called Unicoi County Board of Education member Nancy Bogart, she had some no shit fire in her belly, all of it aimed at the Erwin Record's editor. The fact that she laid some serious, profanity-saturated smack down on Editor Mark A Stevens during her call to her educrat home girl wouldn't be breaking news, unless some dastardly sneak taped the phone call then mailed the tape to...The Erwin Record.

For those who obsess on such things, here are the bits the Record shared with its readership:

'...[Ms. Brown said] she planned to “beat the s---” out of newspaper editor Mark A. Stevens if the paper continues to report on controversies that have enveloped the school system in recent weeks. “I tell you what I’m gonna do,” Brown said to Bogart in the telephone conversation, which was recorded by an unknown individual. “And I’m serious. It’s gonna stop, or I’m gonna beat the s--- out of him myself. And I’m serious.”

I know what you're thinking and you're right. Yes, it's illegal to tape a phone call without telling the participants. But, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, it's not illegal for the media to print or broadcast the tapes contents if 'it's in the public interest'. According the Erwin Record's shysters, this call makes the cut public interest wise. That's not going to thrill Denise Brown spitless. If she was mad, before, this new fishwrap piece will launch her into orbit. Be afraid, editor dude...be very afraid.

Ivory Tower Sets Spending Priorities
Source: Tongue Tied    [07/16]

According to Tongue Tied, the University of Michigan is tightening the budgetary screws by raising student tuition 2.8%, cutting 122 jobs, including 40 faculty positions and reducing library hours.  Before you go postal over these Draconian bean counter measures, take a deep breath, count to 10, slowly, then console yourself with the following fun-filled bean counter facts:

'...There is money in the budget for an annual Native American celebration, coordinators for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and multi-ethnic student affairs programs and for repairs and programs at the Trotter Multicultural Center...'  (Tongue Tied)

And here you were worried...needlessly.

Firing 40 faculty members?  Who the hell knew there were that many conservatives left at U of M?

More Ivory Tower News
Source: Tongue Tied   [07/16]

Last year, GLAAD BAAG whiners at University of Pennsylvania coerced the administration into coddling them,  but, they're back again, whining even louder about their pathetic plight at this Ivory Tower's hands.  It's not enough to worship at the genderally confused shrine...The new gender-neutral - uni-sex - bathrooms aren't appearing fast enough, either.  But, neither is the primary focus of GLAAD BAAG angst, this time around:

'...One of the areas about which they are complaining is those pesky male/female boxes on university questionnaires and forms. The activists say the university need to work harder toward eliminating the simple male/female dichotomy that appears on forms asking for gender identification...'  (Tongue Tied)

Attention Ivory Tower administrators:
When it comes to appeasing the properly-hyphenated, no matter how much you do for them, it's never enough.

The Pious Professor
Source: Christian Science Monitor   [07/12]

Aware that, in certain education settings, a professor's personal beliefs are pertinent, a Buckeye State community college professor added a "disclaimer" to the syllabus for his philosophy course.  When a student complained about Professor James Tuttle's disclaimer, Tuttle's boss told him to find a job "at a sectarian school", then proceeded to demote, railroad and terminate him for the information contained in the professor's disclaimer.

What, you ask, is in this disclaimer that shocked, dismayed and stunned one student and Tuttle's employer?

'...Tuttle describes himself as a "catholic Christian philosopher and theologian" who is "passionate, controversial (not politically correct), candid and zany/earthy." He urges students to "be aware of where I am coming from" and says his critics often "have personal issues with faith, religion, morals and ideology."  He finishes the disclaimer by urging students who are "uncomfortable" to talk to him and try to resolve any problems...' (Monitor)

A philosophy professor's supernaturalist beliefs are fair game in the classroom and I applaud Mr. Tuttle for serving them up for public consumption.  Lakeland Community College should congratulate Mr. Tuttle for making his classroom discussions more stimulating, more informative, more educational.  Apparently, this Ivory "Mini" Tower won't tolerate any deviation from its prescribed Marxist - Korrectnik - indoctrination curriculum.  We are so not amused it can't be quantified.

Peach State Educrat Update
Source: Washington Times   [07/09]

A Georgia educrat cabal - the state Professional Standards Commission - pulled the plug on 11 teachers who got busted for pulling down fat pay raises based on advanced degrees from diploma mills.  The final vote wasn't unanimous, because one commission member - a teacher, of course - couldn't bring himself to terminate the career of his classroom home boys and girls.

"I'm not in good conscience going to cast a vote to police people from education all their lives.  It makes me cry to think about it."  (Commission member/high school teacher, Stephen Dartt as quoted by the Times)

There's a lesson here that isn't being discussed.  In fact, it's deliberately obscured by an educrat-coddling system that places a higher value on credentials than it does on no shit teaching ability.  In a rational educrat-free system, it wouldn't matter if the teacher got their degree from a Cracker Jacks box, as long as they could impart knowledge onto their students.  The primary function of the teacher credentialing steeplechase is to make sure that individuals who can really teach the 3-R's never get within spitting distance of a classroom.  There's just no room in government cess-schools for those kind of teachers.


Immersion, Mexifornia Style
Source: Orange County Register [08/26]

Three Southern Mexifornia cess-school districts Emerilized 'immersion' educrap by forcing English-speaking Amerikan cess-school inmates into classrooms where all the alleged educrap is perpetrated in Spanish. The asinine notion driving this fetid educrap brain-fart involves making the cess-school's captive audience 'bilingual' by the 5th grade. Translation: The victims of this educrap abuse will be blithering, illiterate idiots in two languages.

For those who obsess on such things, this how one district's program is defined by this fishwrap piece:

'In two-way immersion classes, an equal number of English learners and native speakers are instructed almost entirely in Spanish, beginning in kindergarten.' (Register)
[Pagan comments: this is an obvious ploy to bolster 'English learner' self esteem by letting them watch the utter misery endured by 'native speaker' victims of this program.]

'Teachers phase more English into the curriculum, and by fifth grade, students are taught using both languages easily.' (Register)
[Pagan comments: 'Phasing in English' means that at least once a week, the teacher says "Class dismissed" in English.]

'This program continues into middle school and high school, by which time students are bilingual and literate in both languages.' (Register)
[Pagan comments: Our government cess-schools are utterly incapable of making native speakers literate in English by the time they graduate from High School. Do they really expect us to buy this 'literate in both languages' whopper, given their sorry track record?]

I am no shit 'thisclose' to going postal over this asinine cess-school atrocity, doubly so, since these educrat asshats are doing it on my god damn dime. Why don't these teacher credentialed mutants go for a 'stampeding stupidity on steroids' triple and teach all classes in Lithuanian?

Meaningless Educrap Minutia
Source: Boston Globe [08/23]

The latest hot-button educrat issue isn't the plummeting test scores debacle, and it isn't functionally-illiterate government cess-school graduates. The number one with a bullet educrat issue revolves around the psychological boo-boos inflicted on cess-school inmates when a teacher marks errors on papers or test with - gasp - red ink. Red ink! How dare they? I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you.

Red ink phobic readers will be relieved to learn that the newest correction color is the kinder, gentler...purple. The following quotes were gleaned from this Boston Globe piece:

"If you see a whole paper of red, it looks pretty frightening," said Sharon Carlson, a health and physical education teacher at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Northampton. "Purple stands out, but it doesn't look as scary as red."

"The concept of purple as a replacement for red is a pretty good idea," said Leatrice Eiseman, director of the Pantone Color Institute in Carlstadt, N.J., and author of five books on color. "You soften the blow of red. Red is a bit over-the-top in its aggression."

"I do not use red," said Robin Slipakoff, who teaches second and third grades at Mirror Lake Elementary School in Plantation, Fla. "Red has a negative connotation, and we want to promote self-confidence. I like purple. I use purple a lot."

To this lowly pagan scribbler, it sounds like the educrats are the ones who have 'issues' with the color red. Maybe, if these worrywarts spent more time teaching core subjects, and devoted less time fretting about wounded student self-esteem, the red ink blight would cure itself. When they're taught well...when they're inspired to learn, students make fewer mistakes. Fewer mistakes means less red...purple...puce ink. Bold New Concept.

There I go, again, trying to impose logic on an inherently irrational endeavor like educrap. I'm so ashamed...

The Denver Flag Flap
Source: Washington Times [08/19]

Denver's North High School got unwanted attention when outraged Amerikans reported that the school's social studies classroom displays the Mexican national flag side-by-side with Uncle Sam's stars and stripes. When a talk radio host - Mike Rosen - lit a fire under his listeners, the school wilted under the relentless pressure...temporarily, and took down the Mexican flag. But, utterly clueless, culturally-sensitive educrats at North High announced their intention to return the Mexican rag to its 'rightful' place, as soon as the uproar subsides. The last time I looked, Colorado belonged to the United States, but don't try and convince the geographically-challenged chowderheads at North High.

It's obscene to give a foreign flag the same respect as the flag that represents Amerikan liberty. It's obscene that the same educrats who steal your tax dollars to perpetrate idiots with self-esteem, are in your face about spitting on this nation, and the flag so many men in women died to defend. We are so unamused, it can't be quantified.

Re-Setting Educrap Priorities
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel [08/16]

Palm Beach County (Florida) educrats are shocked, dismayed and outright alarmed over student obesity, so they're instituting a new "Schools of Wellness" regime in 16 cess-schools to see if they can turn their inmates into lean, mean, brainwashed machines. Rather than instill meaningful knowledge about the venerable 3-Rs, educrats will squander valuable school time on drivel about exercising and healthy eating.

'...[Funded by a $1.5 million dollar grant, the pilot program] will involve showing students how to read food labels, pick out healthy snacks and exercise during their free time instead of plopping down in front of the TV or computer. Fourth- and fifth-graders will be given pedometers to measure their steps during the day, and during math class they will chart their activity. Cooking classes, trips to the grocery store and walk-a-thons will follow...' (Sun-Sentinel)

For now, the dead presidents are coming from Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital in Hollywood (Florida), but you gotta know that there will be tons of taxpayer dollars joining them in this obesity brain-fart. Am I the only one who remembers when a school's primary - exclusive - task involved imparting knowledge about silly things like reading, writing, arithmetic, history and the like? Obviously, government cess-schools are interesting in more vital things, like a student's eating habits. Go figure.

Anyone deluded enough to think that this program won't sacrifice real education for the Korrectnik flavor of the month needs to grab their favorite adult beverage before reading the following fun facts about Cynthia Hanna, principle of Fairway Elementary in Miramar:

'... [Hanna] hired a second coach so her students get twice the number of physical education sessions. She has made time for the extra classes -- and room in her budget for the new coach -- by phasing out a writing elective. This goes against the current trend of double- and triple-dosing students on basic academics to the exclusion of all else to prepare them for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test...' (Sun-Sentinel, emphasis added)

Ivory Tower Apartheid
Source: Washington Times [08/03]

The eggheads running University of Colorado at Boulder decided to promote 'diversity' by restricting a Friday morning "School and Society" course to "students of color", plus, 'first generation college students' of any race. The excuse offered by Lorrie Shepard, dean of the School of Education says it all:

'..."Often, a student of color would find they were the only nonwhite person in a given section, and ... very often, their class would turn to them whenever an issue of race was discussed," Miss Shepard told the Boulder Daily Camera. "They'd be asked if they agreed with a certain perspective or to defend a position. They'd be put on the spot in ways that made it feel like a hostile environment."...' (Washington Times)

For those readers who aren't fluent in Egghead-ese, I'll translate: "We can't instill the requisite chronically-oppressed, ethnicity-based victim identity while whitey is watching." Racism is alive and well at University of Colorado and it's perpetrated by the nitwits running the damn school.

University of Colorado Blinks
Source: Washington Times [08/04]

Faced with several legal challenges, not to mention all that dastardly media attention, University of Colorado eggheads backed down and open the Friday morning "School and Society" class to all comers. For those delusional dweebs who think this represents a 'diversity isn't all that' epiphany, consider the following blather from the school's dean of the School of Education:

"It is the intention of the School of Education to recruit students of color and first-generation college students to participate in a special section of [the course] for the purpose of creating a critical mass of such students," said Lorrie Shepard, dean of the School of Education. "However, the language of the e-mail which restricted enrollment exclusively on the basis of race was in error and is against university policy." (Washington Times)

Translation: "We usually get away with this crap, but somebody ratted us out, this time." Educational Apartheid at University of Colorado isn't mortally wounded, it's just going underground, until the heat is off.


Ivory Tower Diversity Angst
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/29]

According to a hand-wringing, Chicago Tribune piece, the Supreme Court's 'half a loaf' Affirmative Action ruling in the University of Michigan case has Ivory Tower diversity departments looking over their shoulders. Unlike the scribblers at this Windy City fishwrap, this pagan isn't the least bit bummed by this baby step towards color-blind higher educrap. Education Apartheid is much too common in Amerika's Ivory Towers.

For the big picture on Educational Apartheid, I offer this excerpt from the pages of 'PIG':

It begins with separate orientations based on immutable traits, orientations where individual identity is vilified and a university mandated group identity is assigned. It continues with group identity reinforcing, brainwashing-intensive student indoctrination sessions, sessions that are mandatory for all incoming students. It gathers irresistible momentum when, aided and abetted by school officials, properly-hyphenated students are conditioned to hang out at their racially segregated student centers, live in their racially segregated dorms, major in their assigned group's 'study discipline' (PIG/Educrap/Self-Segregation)

If "people of color" need to be coddled throughout their Ivory Tower careers, they're no shit never going to be ready to function in the rough and tumble, coddling-free, 'real' world. Chances are, that, wherever you go, whitey will be there and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. It's called inalienable individual liberty and, as besieged as it is, it's still the modus operandi from sea to shining sea. It's time for the properly-hyphenated to shed those self-segregated training wheels and grow the hell up.

Diversity Bonkers In Java Country
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [09/27]

Seattle educrats are shocked, dismayed and downright alarmed that, despite their valiant efforts, the city's cess-schools don't field a properly diverse teaching staff. They're shocked, shocked I tell you, that, despite a cess-school inmate population that is 59% hyphenated, the teaching staff is 93% Lily, oppressor, white.

How can properly hyphenated inmates learn when their teachers don't share their genetically-encoded, racially-specific notions? How can oppressor teachers, convey racially-specific knowledge to the hyphenated horde? For those who think that I'm exaggerating, consider the following Post-Intelligencer prose:

'...The move toward an increasingly diverse work force has become a common goal for many school district administrators, who recognize the need for children of color to have classroom role models with the cultural understanding required to help them feel connected to school...'

If you don't smell the idiots with self-esteem coffee, you're in a coma. This 'role model' canard is pure bovine ka-ka that places enhancing student self-esteem ahead of imparting meaningful knowledge.

This Seattle fishwrap would dearly love to blame this staffing 'crisis' on a racist plot by the great white bigot. However, they, ever so reluctantly, admit that the 'alarming' (to some-damn-body) lack of teacher diversity is due to the fact that there just aren't enough 'qualified', properly-diverse educrat candidates to fill all the slots. Since they can't add enough properly-diverse teachers, why don't Educrats do the next best thing and fire 52% of the oppressor teachers, thus achieving their goal by fielding a smaller, but properly diverse, teaching staff. Okay, so maybe the class size might be a tad unwieldy, so damn what? Student self-esteem will reach historic levels, and, according to the educrats, that's what really matters. Why must I think of everything for these diversity-bonkers dunces? I give, and I give, but nobody listens. [Sigh]

Another Zero Tolerance Epic
Source: Tongue Tied [09/26]

Zero tolerance asshats went postal, when a seventh grade Colorado oppressor got into a shoving match with a properly-hyphenated classmate who was harassing the oppressor, in Spanish. After the incident, cess-school commissars made the oppressor, Austin Sadvar, write down his take on the confrontation. The ink barely got dry when Austin found himself facing a felony charge for "ethnic intimidation". A 12-year-old facing a felony charge for a school yard shoving match! Have these Colorado educrat asshats completely lost their alleged minds?

And what, you ask, elevated Austin's prose to a felony? According to Tongue Tied, it's this tidbit:

"Maybe now he'll start speaking some English."

Further propelling this lunacy to record-breaking heights is the thrilling fact that the 'victim' has 'moved out of the country'. Is this zero tolerance bovine excrement a blight on our inalienable liberty? You better damn believe it, brain-dead, zero tolerance Sparky.

This Recess Is Sponsored By Atkins?
Source: USA Today [09/23]

The Atkins diet juggernaut is poised to expand it's customer base, thanks to the company's plan to team up with The NEA and NASBE (National Association of State Boards of Education) on a Atkins-funded program to fight cess-school inmate obesity. Proving that no good deed goes unpunished, Atkins is catching flack from the capitalism hating Marxists who control government educrap.

'..."Atkins is wrapping itself around the moral authority of NASBE and the schools to promote its controversial products and diet," says Gary Ruskin of Commercial Alert, a non-profit group that tracks the effects of commercialism on communities....'

'..."Obviously this is nothing new, but it's much more profligate and pervasive than it's ever been," says Arnold Fege of the Public Education Network, an advocacy group for poor and disadvantaged children. "I think where it crosses the line is where you have a quid pro quo, where the schools become part of the marketing department of the corporation."...' (USA Today)

Atkins isn't the first, or only, company that sees the public relations, and advertising, benefits inherent in an affiliation with government cess-schools. Other companies cited by this so-called newspaper include: Exon Mobil Foundation, Dupont, Alcoa, Office Depot, Coca-Cola and, believe it or not Krispy Kreme. Holy strange, educrap bedfellows, Batman!

If a company like Atkins wants to trade dead presidents for good publicity, it rates as a "no harm, no foul" slam dunk to this pagan. Getting corporate donations, freely given donations, is infinitely better than stealing taxpayer money to pour down the government cess-school rathole. Whatever I might think of their product, Atkins gets an unconditional "you done good" on this educrap-supporting effort.

Thinking Outside The Box
Source: Jacksonville Times-Union [09/23]

Two enlightened Jacksonville University dudes knew just they needed to make their on-campus apartment memorable, so they trotted down to the local home-improvement store and got the necessary goodies to make their own, stripper pole and stage. After they completed their home improvement project, the lads celebrated with a pole dancing party. Dudes paid $5 a head, but babes got in free, an enriching notion that Emerilzed their adventure, big time.

'...About a dozen female students, most of them freshmen and most of them drunk, competed [by dancing, clothed, at the stripper pole] for a $100 Victoria's Secret gift certificate Sept. 11, said James Foster, the 20-year-old junior from West Palm Beach who hosted the party...' (Times-Union)

When those spoilsports at in this Ivory Tower's administration stumbled over the lads' antics, they lowed the boom on our inspired heroes. At press time, nobody is willing to discuss what form this punishment took, but it's safe to assume that the stripper stage and pole are gone-o-la.

Heartfelt pagan scribbler kudos are bestowed on our enterprising lads for daring to think outside the box.

Mexifornia Educrap Game$
Source: Sacramento Bee [09/21]

Mexifornia's Community College Districts perpetrate some amazing antics in their mindless quest for the state funds dangled by a generous to a fault legislature. With a nifty $2,000 to $4,000 per student just waiting to be claimed, Community College Districts scampered off the reservation in their quest for increased enrollment.

Here are a few newsworthy schemes uncovered by a Southern Mexifornia fishwrap, as reported in the Bee:

'...Ronald L. Krimper, former vice president of Fullerton College, who San Bernardino County prosecutors alleged embezzled public money while he was vice president at Victor Valley College in Victorville. Authorities said Krimper formed classes and paid his then-girlfriend to recruit students, including Alzheimer's patients...'

'...three officials at Riverside Community College were indicted for allegedly embezzling nearly $1 million in a deal with the California Highway Patrol to count new recruits as college students beginning as early as 2001...'

'...An investigation by [The Orange County Register] in 2002 found that 77 of the state's community colleges received millions of dollars in state funds by inflating enrollment figures with high school students who received college credit for team practices...'

Alzheimer's patients? Highway Patrol recruits? High School athletes? This is what happens when sovereign individuals lose control over their state's political hacks. Nobody respects money that belongs to somebody else. The taxpayers earn it, but the hacks piss it away, knowing they can steal more taxpayer money when they need it. Call it whatever makes you feel good 'the social safety net', or, 'providing essential services', but, when you strip this involuntary economic servitude down to its knickers it's a no shit mugging by gun-packing Nanny State thugs.

Another Mexas Whiz-A-Thon
Source: Houston Chronicle [09/08]

The usual suspects are lined up - again - for a, screaming, hair-pulling, Lone Star brawl over the state's new health textbooks. In the evil secular scum corner, we find Planned Parenthood and the Texas State Teachers Association. In the pious peabrain corner, we find such Tome-toters as Texans for Life and the Texas Eagle Forum. Both sides know what they want...Both sides are prepared to defend their educrap notions, to the bitter end.

The evil secular scum demand that the textbook aid and abet "age-appropriate, medically accurate sex education that includes information on abstinence, birth control, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV" (Chronicle). That sounds reasonable to this pagan, but the pious peabrains have other ideas. Go figure.

The pious peabrains thunder that the only "age-appropriate" sex education promotes abstinence, period. "Just say no" never worked for drugs and it damn sure won't work with teenagers whose rampaging hormones have reached critical mass. Teaching abstinence only is asinine, but it isn't, necessarily, an unreasonable expectation.

Each side is entitled to demand that its children be taught what they want them to know. The problem, as usual, is that our one-size-must-fit-all, compulsory, government cess-schools can't be all things to all people. This problem won't be resolved, to everyone's satisfaction, until we dump mandatory government educrap like a bad habit and allow the marketplace to fulfill the educrap consumer's mutually-exclusive needs. How many times must I repeat this, before somebody pays attention?

Ivory Tower NO NAD Games
Source: Front Page Magazine [09/06]

Wesleyan University womyn organized a new club called - I'm not making this up - The Cunt Club. They rejected the over-hyped 'v' word, vagina, because its Latin transation is "sheath for a sword". Too warlike, they claim, as if anyone believes that. Cunt was chosen for its shock value, and it worked.

For those who wonder what, exactly a Cunt Club perpetrates, wonder no more. According to this Front Page Magazine article, they're having big time fun:

'...At the first meeting of the c-club, the group’s aims were stated as "mak(ing) sure that women’s bodies are safe and sacred, get(ting) a dialogue going on campus, and hav(ing) women (know) how to be pleasured and to pleasure themselves."

This involved organized activities aimed at helping c-clubbers find their clitorises. They also handed out vibrators on campus, held a sex toy workshop, and brought a masturbation expert to campus. Members also came up with a "vagina-licious song" and co-sponsored a "vagina art party."

A "women’s only party" was also sponsored by the group. There, women painted each others’ bare chests and took Polaroid pictures of their vaginas in the bathroom...'

The Cunt Club is an honored fixture on the Wesleyan University campus, one that, invariably, receives kudos from the administration and the campus fishwrap. As thrilling as that must be for all concerned, I wonder how these eggheads would react if some highly motivated dudes decided to "reclaim" the mail 'c' word and formed The Cock Club, a group whose motivating tenet would be "making sure that men's bodies are safe and sacred, getting a dialogue going on campus, and having men know how to be pleasured and to pleasure themselves"? Try that, and you'd hear the ensuing NO NAD screaming all the way out to Neptune.

Is this all Ivory Towers have to offer? Is Higher Educrap so goddamn bankrupt that teaching womyn how to wank is now a core subject? If your offspring is poised to enter some Ivory Tower, I strongly suggest that you make your choice very, very carefully, because Ivory Towers, by their very nature, are no place for a rational individual seeking intellectual enlightenment.

Another Pledge Ruling
Source: Pittsburgh Live Internet Site [09/05]

The 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals just shot down a Pennsylvania law that requires all government cess-school inmates to start their school day by standing to recite the pledge. The pledge itself wasn't deemed uncool for school, but the mandatory participation requirement didn't pass judicial muster. This shouldn't be breaking news, since a 1943 U.S. Supreme Court ruling settled this compulsory participation matter. The clown who wrote Pennsylvania's law knew this...was reminded of this, but chose to ignore these inconvenient facts:

'...State Rep. Allen Egolf, a Cumberland County Republican who introduced the legislation early in 2001, argued that the parental-notification provision would be the factor that would make Pennsylvania's law legal despite a 1943 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that no one can be forced to salute the flag or recite the pledge...'

Believe it or not, this law isn't dead, because state officials are mulling an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. If these pledge bonkers government clowns think this pledge crap is the most important cess-school issue in Pennsylvania, they should be fired, right damn now! They're graduating functional illiterates who can't read, write or compute and all these government payroll retards care about is forcing these cess-school victims to stand and recite the pledge.

This pledge bovine excrement is more than asinine. It's a time-consuming distraction. It's expensive and, it doesn't do a damn thing to instill useful knowledge in Pennsylvania cess-school inmate minds. It's time for Pennsylvania - Amerika - to wake up and smell the abolish mandatory, government cess-school educrap coffee.

Buckeye Cess-School Bans Fun
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/04]

Groveport, Ohio's Glendening Elementary School decided to outlaw fun, because certain classically 'Amerikan' festivities give certain unnamed cess-school inmates a boo-boo on their fragile psyches. The following cess-school activities are henceforth banned in this Buckeye State educrap blight: Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day parties.

The excuses served up by Glendening educrats include: such things waste valuable instruction time; an estimated 15% of cess-school inmates don't participate, for various, belief-related reasons; we need to concentrate on boosting our test scores. Blah, blah, blah. This has nothing to do with test scores or academics. It's all about the be-all, end-all of government educrap: boosting student self-esteem. Where, I ask you, are those job postings for functional illiterates with amped-up self-esteem?


From Dorm to Homeless In One Easy Lesson
Source: Boston Globe [10/30]

When his "where the hell is the damn elevator" impatience reached critical mass, a dorm-dwelling, University of New Hampshire dude got proactive. Like most "it seemed like a nifty notion at the time" inspirations, Tim Garneau's scheme had unanticipated results: UNH officials banished him from the Ivory Tower's dorms.

In theory, his plan to speed up elevator response by reducing elevator traffic isn't fatally flawed. In theory, but reality is a terminally uncooperative bitch. He, obviously, didn't know that Korrectnicks have no sense of humor, or he wouldn't have done...it:

'...Garneau posted fliers Sept. 3 that showed a fit woman in a workout leotard and said: "Nine out of 10 freshman girls gain 10 to 15 pounds. But there is something you can do about it. If you live below the sixth floor, take the stairs. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but you will also be saving us time and won't be sore on the eyes."...' (Globe)

Outraged UNH eggheads threw the book at Tim, charging him with 'lying to school officials, violating an affirmative action policy, harassment and disorderly conduct' (Globe). That easily, Tim lost his room and wound up living in his ride. Unwilling to accept his cruel fate, Tim got FIRE [Foundation for Individual Rights in Education] involved, and, it appears to have UNH officials worried. Now, they're willing to overlook everything but "lying to school officials". Also, they're cool with putting him on probation, and promise to give him the next dorm room, when one is available. Unwilling to accept those terms, Tim continues to hang tough.

If and/or when this is resolved, PIG will bring you all the thrilling details. For Tim's sake, let's hope it gets settled before Winter makes living in his ride hazardous to his health. When we know...you'll know, so, stay tuned.

Story Update
Faced with a public relations nightmare and relentless pressure from FIRE, the University of New Hampshire surrendered and, miraculously, found room in the dorm for Tim Garneau. Proving how groundless their initial antics were, school officials dropped requirements for a mea culpa essay and diversity indoctrination classes.

The good guys defeat another Ivory Tower! Kudos to FIRE for another stellar victory. Kudos to Tim Garneau for hanging tough.

Puyallup Halloween Ban Update
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/26]

The Puyallup School District (Washington State) Educrats who banned Halloween costumes to protect Wiccans [Educrap News - 10/22] is catching flack from all sides, thanks to their highly publicized brain-fart. Everyone is calling it asinine - plus, other, more colorful things - including, curiously enough, Wiccans themselves. In fact, the Wiccans are sounding refreshingly rational about it.

"...taking Halloween away from children, that's just rediculous. We don't particularly care for the images of witches but there are a lot of stereotypical images that a lot of people don't like, but that's part of life. People dress up as perverted priests, sexy nuns, drunken Irishmen, nerds, obese people, every group has its stereotype that is mocked or made fun of.” (Lisa Lawrence, Wiccan high priestess of Sacred Oak Circle in Puyallup and Tacoma as quoted by Tongue Tied)

Irrational to the bitter end, Puyallup Educrats continue to hang tough. That stench wafting up from this rain-soaked cess-school is the aroma emanating from unused Educrat gray matter rotting away. Am I the only one who wonders why anyone would trust these morons with the education of their offspring? I doubt it.

Georgia Educrap
Source: Washington Times [10/25]

A Georgia Educrat [Katrina Ann Rucker] Emerilized a parent teacher 'meeting' into a brawl when she attacked an elementary school inmate's mother, breaking the woman's nose in the process. Did someone impose WWF cage match rules on parent-teacher meetings when I wasn't looking? Apparently, because this fist-wielding teacher went bonkers on the kid, too.

'...The student's mother told police that she went to the school to give her daughter a note and met the crying girl, who told her Miss Rucker had thrown her book bag into the trash. She said that when she pulled the bag out of a wastebasket, Miss Rucker tried to take it away from her, then knocked her down with a chair and began hitting her...' (Washington Times)

The 'authorities' are making noises about charging Katrina 'Rock 'em, Sock 'em' Rucker with battery and cruelty to children, but I'm not buying it. I'm guessing that, guilty or not...convicted or not, she'll be back in the classroom in a heartbeat, because, under prevailing teacher's union rules, there's no way in hell to get rid of the bitch. Georgia tax payers must be thrilled spitless with this best two out of three falls example of their educrap dollars at work.

Supernaturalists Square Off Against UC
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/23]

Encouraged by the victory won by its Ohio State University chapter, the Christian Legal Society launched a shyster assault on UC Hastings College of Law, after the Mexifornia Ivory Tower yanked official school recognition for the group. The dispute centers on the Ivory Tower's non-discrimination policy and its implications for this on-campus Cross Cult cabal. At stake are access to student activity funds, campus bulletin boards, events calendars and 'other official outlets'.

The school's policy is very clear: it 'requires equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or sexual orientation' (Chronicle). This Ivory Tower's unambiguous, anti-discrimination policy forces Cross Cultists to offer membership to atheists, Satanists, all other, rival, supernaturalists, and GLAAD BAAGs, if they want the school's seal of approval. The sticky wicket, these Cross Cultists explain, is that this asinine, 'ya'll come' policy, deliberately, violates the Christian Legal Society's core beliefs:

'...A "statement of faith'' signed by all members requires them to accept "orthodox Christian beliefs based on the authority of the Bible,'' the suit said. This includes the view that the Bible prohibits homosexual conduct...' (S. F. Chronicle)

A shyster from the 'Alliance Defense Fund nailed it when he asked: "What's next? Will they require a vegetarian club to admit meat-eaters or a Democratic Party student group to admit Republicans?" (Shyster Benjamin Bull as quoted by the Chronicle).

Will UC eggheads buckle under like their Buckeye State counterparts, or will their militant Marxism make them defend the indefensible to the bitter end? When I know, you'll know...That's right, it's "stay tuned" time in the pagan scribbler bunker, again.

Korrectnik News Briefs
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/22]

Item 1:
A school district in that rain-soaked, liberal, Eden (Puyallup, Washington) thrilled rational adults spitless when they banned government cess-school, Halloween festivities, because, tykes dressed up as cartoonish witches give Wiccans a boo-boo on their fragile psyches. Such costumes are deemed 'derogatory stereotypes', in case they ask at the trial. Like I care...

Item 2:
Harvard University's GLAAD BAAGs got their panties in a bunch when some enterprising lads started selling t-shirts that read: "Yale sucks, Jeter swallows". In case you live in a civilized part of Amerikan - and not the Northeast - this slogan is borrowed from a similar Boston Red Sox slogan: "Yankees suck, Jeter swallows". GLAAD BAAGs deemed the Harvard variant "offensive and discriminatory language", in case they ask at the trial.

Item 3:
Duke University's student fishwrap, The Chronicle, has Torah True Believer panties in a bunch after a columnist exercised his free speech rights by opining:

"What Jewish suffering - along with exorbitant Jewish privilege in the United States - amounts to is a stilted, one-dimensional conversation where Jews feel the overwhelming sense of entitlement not to be criticized or offended." (Chronicle columnist, Philip Kurian)

Blissfully unaware that she substantiated the columnist's notion, Rachel Solomon (president of Duke's Freeman Center for Jewish Life'), condemned the column as "deeply offensive", and demanded an investigation. Mr. Kurian opines that Torah True Believers won't tolerate criticism and this Torah True Believer wench proves it. If this is an example of Ms. Solomon's critical thinking, how the hell did she get into an Ivory Tower of Duke's caliber?

Item 4:
An assistant professor in Imperial Valley College's (Southern Mexifornia) business school thrilled the CAIR punks spitless when he laid some reality on his Ivory Tower class:

"Terrorism is a fact of life. Terrorists are people. The only way to eliminate Islamic terrorism would be to end the Islamic religion. The only way to eliminate Christian terrorism, would be to end the Christian religion. The only way to eliminate terrorism, would be to eliminate people.'" (Jeff Beckley)

A properly-hyphenated student named Prabhath Shettigar went postal, got in the professor's face, and was, subsequently, shown the door. It's no shock that this whiner went running to school officials and filed a complaint. What is a tad amusing is the fun fact that, in addition to being a licensed shyster, Mr. Shettigar is a dot head (Hindu), not a Mecca Maniac.

Although an investigation by school officials absolved Mr. Becklely, that didn't satisfy the chronically-offended pissants at CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations). Forcing Beckley to apologize for the misunderstanding isn't good enough for them, because, they won't tolerate anyone discussing certain unpleasant truths about their beloved supernaturalism. CAIR's motto seems to be "If the truth hurts, suppress it, permanently, by any means necessary: intimidation, lawsuits, or the ultimate Mecca Maniac weapon...the fatwah.

Run! Hide! The Kid Has A Butter Knife!
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/14]

An 8-year-old government cess-school inmate played zero tolerance roulette, and lost, when he took a - gasp! - butter knife to school. Has this third grade hoodlum no shame? Did he really expect the Educrats to swallow his "I need it to spread my peanut butter and jelly" story? We're shocked, shocked, I tell you. We're shocked that King William County Educrats would suspend this tyke for something this goddamn petty. We're especially shocked that walking, Educrat, brain-farts threaten the tyke a year in 'disciplinary classes'. If Nicholas Heath's butter knife is the biggest problem facing King William County cess-schools, life is good, so, these Educrat asshats should sit down, shut the hell up and leave Nicholas the hell alone.

Keep your chin up, Nichols. The primary reason these asshats are Educrats is because nobody would offer them a job cleaning port-a-potties in the real world. The government payroll is all that stands between your Educrat tormentors and well-deserved "Do you want fries with that" obscurity.

Another Zero Tolerance Fiacso
Source: AP [10/13]

Things started to go wrong for an Empire State hormone gorilla named Joshua Phelps when, after participating in a Civil War battle re-enactment, he tossed his uniform and 'replica musket' in to the back of his truck. Blissfully unaware that a zero tolerance adventure stalked him, our young hero went to Pine Bush High School where an alert security guard spotted the musket and went postal. Before he could say "What's your damage,dude?", Joshua gets dragged out of class, cuffed and carted off to the pokey on a 'criminal possession of a weapon' charge.

When will zero tolerance bonkers Educrats pull their heads out of their fat, public payroll asses? Never, unless some rational adults start administering a high volume, in your Educrat face reality check. Sad story, Joshua: you're the latest poster dude for this zero tolerance brain-fart epidemic.

If these Educrats had half a brain, they'd realize that a musket is a far cry from an assault weapon. Reloading a musket is such a hassle that, even if some moron tried to terrorize a school with it, he'd be lucky to get off one shot, if that.

Zero Tolerance In Wisconsin
Source: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel [10/06]

A hormone gorilla's stupidity on steroids, brain-fart landed the 16-year-old Muskego (Wisconsin) cess-school inmate a starring role in this, asinine, zero tolerance adventure. For giving his ex-girlfriend a wedgie, after classes, he got busted - handcuffed and carted off by the cops - and now faces charges for - I am not making this up - fourth-degree sexual assault. Sexual assault...for a wedgie! Zero tolerance is running amok in government cess-schoolville. What's next, declaring that ubiquitous playground prose like "All girls are icky" is "hate speech"?

Those readers who don't comprehend how a wedgie gets transformed into sexual assault need not feel like the Lone Ranger. It doesn't compute for me, either. Maybe a few details will clear it up:

'...The girl, 15, told authorities that the boy pushed her up against a locker, put his hand down the back of her pants and pulled her thong up above the waistline of her pants, the police report released Wednesday says. The boy also touched the girl's buttocks, the report says. She told him to stop at least three times and said that the incident was both painful and embarrassing, the report says...' (Journal-Sentinel)

Asinine? You bet. A brain-fart that deserves some, official, cess-school retribution? Oh, hell yes. Sexual assault? Not in this, or any other lifetime. Whatever the Muskego High School administration is smoking is much too good to squander on mere Educrats, but even a 'drug dependancy' won't excuse this Draconian over-reaction by all the proper authorities.

West Virginia's Educrap Eye Candy
Source: The Charleston Gazette [10/05]

The educrats at Mary Ingles Elementary (Kanawha County, West Virginia) Emerilized the familiar fund raising schemes when they sent the tykes home packing Avon catalogues that contained 5 pages of revealing lingerie ads. Faster than you can say, "booty", the bovine excrement hit the proverbial fan with a resounding "splat". One especially perceptive parent sized up the situation perfectly:

“My son is 10 years old. He hasn’t had sex-education classes yet. We haven’t even had ‘that’ talk with him. He came home with a paper that told him how not to threaten girls, and telling him not to draw sexual pictures. But this? This is R-rated.” (A Kanawha County parent as quoted by The Charleston Gazette)

At least one school board member gets it, too. He pointed out that the same educrats who deemed this catalog okey dokey to hand out to 10 year olds would invoke zero tolerance if the same tyke got caught with it, in other circumstances. Do as I say, not as I do, still works, even in Blithering Bobby Byrd's backyard.


Another VRWC Cause Celebre
Source: Sacramento Bee [11/25]

The newest VRWC [vast right-wingnut conspiracy] cause celebre centers around a fifth grade, Mexifonia school teacher who got slapped down by his cess-school's principal for using the Declaration of Independence, "The Rights of the Colonists" by Sam Adams plus a W Day of Prayer proclamation. The school says the teacher is injecting god into the classroom and that's a no-no. In a heartbeat, the teacher dished up a shyster drama accusing the school's top Educrats of violating his First Amendment rights through their "blatant censorship of the writings of great men because they mention God or Christianity" (Bee).

All this thrills the usual VRWC suspects spitless, but I'm getting a distinct deja vu sensation, because the VRWC arguments are virtually identical to the ones trotted out during the Pledge Fiasco. The VRWC is running with this story, in part, because it involves Old Ka-Boom in the classroom, but, there's more going on here. This fiasco also gives Hannity, et al, a golden opportunity to beat up on the blue state lefty horde that infests Mexifornia in general and Northern Mexifornia in particular.

An Educrat Tolerance Adventure
Source: Indianapolis Star [11/23]

It's called "National Mix-It-Up-Day" and it's being perpetrated by two Ethnocrat cabals: 'Tolerance.org' and the 'Southern Poverty Law Center', in participating government cess-schools. On this glorious, can't we all get along, day, students are banned from eating lunch with their homies. Instead, the Educrats in the participating schools put on their social engineer caps and assign each student a lunch table with someone who isn't in their usual government cess-school clique. Although it's never stated explicitly, this smells like 'torture the oppressor day' in government cess-schools. In reality "National Mix-It-Up-Day" is a way to make oppressors spend at least one lunch period chowing down with Guadalupe, Chang, or Jamal. No way in hell do I believe that Jamal, Guadalupe or Chang is told to go have a nosh with Buffy, Muffy, Biff or Chad, but that misses the real point.

All the time these well-meaning Educrats spend organizing this one-day-a-year social engineering escapade would yield much better results if they spent this time teaching Buffy, Muffy,Biff, Chad, Guadalupe, Chang and Jamal how to read, write and compute. The last time I looked, I didn't see the marketplace clamoring for socially engineered idiots with self esteem, either. You're not being paid to be social engineers, Educrat scumbags. You're being paid to teach. Isn't it about time you got down to business and instilled some meaningful knowledge in your captive audience? Don't make me come over there.

Dodgeball On the Docket
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [11/20]

After a 7-year-old wench broke her arm playing dodgeball, she did the Amerikan thing and sued the school. Believe it or not, a New York appellate court just gave her shyster assault its seal of approval. This is especially important, since the lawsuit in question didn't cite the cess-school for "poor supervision". Instead, the wenchlet's lawsuit asserts that dodgeball is so inherently unsafe that the school is remiss for allowing tykes that young to play this popular schoolyard game. Bold New Concept.

Dodgeball was already in the nanny nitwit bull's-eye, before this wenchlet whined about her boo-boo:

'...the game is also being targeted as unfair, exclusionary, and warlike for school-age youngsters. Some schools in Maine, Maryland, New York, Virginia, Texas, Massachusetts and Utah have banned dodgeball or its variations, including war ball, monster ball and kill ball.

"Dodgeball is not an appropriate activity for K-12 school physical education programs," according to The National Association for Sport and Physical Education, a nonprofit professional organization of 20,000 physical education teachers, professors, coaches, athletic directors and trainers. Dodgeball provides "limited opportunities for everyone in the class, especially the slower, less agile students who need the activity the most."...' (Post-Intelligencer)

When, exactly, did Amerika turn into a nation populated by spinless wimps and Nanny State whiners? What's next on their 'egalitarian' agenda? Should we ban yo-yos because this one player at a time pastime isn't "inclusive"? Must we ban basketball because taller players have an unfair advantage over vertically-challenged players? Maybe we should outlaw notebooks because some accident prone tyke might get a paper cut. Where does this crap end? The whining asshats who perpetrate reeking bovine excrement like banning dodgeball won't be satisfied until childhood itself is outlawed. The time has come to tell these whining mutants to shut up and sit down.

Thunder Over Theocratica
Source: Washington Times [11/18]

Theocratica's [the state formely known as Virginia] homophobic, holy roller horde goose-stepped back onto this pagan's vaunted news radar with their tantrum about gay-straight student clubs in the state's cess-schools. The driving force behind these clubs is GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), a GLAAD BAAG cabal that serves up the following prose to explain it's antics:

'... [GLSEN claims that gay-straight student clubs will provide] a "safe environment" in which students can talk about homosexual issues in school and that they will discuss "coming out" and bullying by other students...' (Washington Times)

GLSEN's fuzzball, can't we all get along, prattle sounds real enough to this pagan, but foaming at the mouth family values fanatics detected darker forces at work:

'..."They are teaching acceptance and that it's OK to be a homosexual and to practice homosexual sex acts," said John Elledge chairman of the Republican Party of Harrisonburg, Va. "I'm all for just getting along, but I'm not at all for having a sexually oriented club in our high school."...'

'..."The whole agenda of the homosexual movement is to entice children to submit to sex practices. Those groups lead children to experiment with potentially fatal sex practices that spread AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases."...' [Loudon Country Republican state legicrat, Richard H. Black] (Washington Times)

Contrary to supernaturalist myth, homosexuality isn't a contagious disease. If family values tykes aren't wired GLAAB BAAG from the get-go, they're not likely to bound through the front door with a "guess what" thrill for rigidly righteous righty mom and dad.

Bottom Line on Gay Straight Clubs: Since there's no coerced participation and no excessive tax dollar infusion, these clubs do no lasting harm to cess-school inmates. Wake up and smell the government cess-school coffee, true believers. Having your tykes act civilized to their differently-sexual classmates isn't going to scar the brats for life. On the other hand, your spawn incurs lasting, severely crippling damage, on a daily basis, from the lefty Educrats running government schools.

Where's The Beef?
Source: Tennessean [11/17]

One of Tennessee's Elephant Clan state legicrats, Bill Dunn, reviewed the results from a court-ordered agreement that funneled $70 to $75 million in dead presidents from state coffers into an Ebony Tower - Tennessee State University - and demanded 'where's the damn beef?'. Ironically, in addition to campus upgrades, the court order's purpose is 'to attract white students to a historically black TSU' (Tennessean).

'...Dunn said it was important to look at TSU's attempts to attract white students over the past 20 years. He said the white, or minority, population at TSU has declined as a percentage of the student body, dropping from about 34% in 1984 to 25% last year. In the same period, he said, the minority black populations at Middle Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee's Chattanooga and Knoxville campuses have increased. He said the black population rose from 4.63% to 6.94% at UT-Knoxville, the state's flagship campus...' (Tennessean)

This affirmative action in reverse gives whitey a 'leg up' when applying to an Ebony Tower? That's this pagan's idea of a very bold new concept. As much as I hate affirmative action - in any flavor - it's not the key issue here. As long as a school is funded by looted taxpayer greenbacks, Ivory Towers must accept all scholastically qualified students, regardless of their pedigree, no matter what it does to their 'diversity'.

State Representative Dunn's antics are amusing, and then some, but like race card wielding Ethnocrats, he's tilting the wrong windmill. If he wants to do something to improve higher educrap, he should do what he can to privatize Amerika's Ivory Towers. The sooner the state cuts the money umbilical, the sooner Amerika's colleges and universities can stop indoctrinating and start instilling knowledge.

Zero Tolerance In Mexifornia
Source: Local 6 Site [11/12]

West Covina (Southern Mexifornia) Educrats took zero tolerance to insane levels when they suspended an 11-year-old inmate for 'doing "dangerous" cartwheels and handstands during lunch time' (Local 6). San Jose Academy Educrats won't tolerate such behavior, so they tossed Deidre Faegre out on her cookies.

Our gymnastically-inclined heroine will be home schooled until her parents 'find a more "reasonable" school' (Local 6). That works for me and it's cool with Deidre, too, no doubt.

Is anyone shocked that "calls to the school went unanswered" (Local 6)? I didn't think so.

Emerilizing Cess-School Sex Educrap
Source: Washington Times [11/10]

Government cess-school Educrats in terminally lefty Montgomery County (Maryland) Emerilized cess-school sex ed, big time, a move that should thrill the VRWC majorly. Unanimously (6-0) approved by the county's school board, the new sex educrap scheme perpetrates several memorable goodies:

'...[In a video tilted "Protect Yourself"] a girl demonstrates how to fit a condom onto a cucumber and talks about the dangers of unprotected sex and cheap condoms that could break...'

'...The board is also considering a second video in which food-flavored condoms are discussed...'

'...[the new sex ed curriculum] defines a family as "two or more people who are joined together by emotional feelings or who are related to one another." Same-sex parents are listed under the heading "kinds of families," along with eight other variations...'

'...[the new curriculum] includes detailed information about sexuality and "gender identity." Gender identity is defined as "a person's internal sense of knowing whether he or she is male or female."...' (Washington Times)

Condom demo? Food-flavored condoms? Two daddy/two mommy families? "I'm channeling my inner chick today" gender identity? If that doesn't help the VRWC achieve orbital velocity, nothing else will. Believe it or not, the VRWC has a point. The lefty horde running Montgomery County's one-size-fits-all cess-schools has no right to force family values taxpayers to fund this over-the-top sex educrap. It's just as wrong as smugly supernaturalist school boards that repeal science and impose Tome-based creationism in its place.

File this epic under "one-size-fits-all educrap doesn't work". It never has and it never will. Marketplace based education is the only properly-constitutional answer.

Educrat Angst In The Northwest
Source: Seattle Times [11/08]

This rain-drenched Northwest fishwrap served up a three-hankie story decrying the shocking - to the usual suspects - fact that there's an alarming shortage of properly-hyphenated teachers. The underlying, unstated, assertion opines that properly-hyphenated cess-school inmates 'perform better when taught be teachers of their own race' (Times). Are integration bonkers, affirmative action addled, Educrats advocating that cess-school classes be segregated by race? Do they propose "black" classes taught by Melanin-Enriched teachers, "Latino" classes taught by Sombrero Stomper teachers, etc? Not explicitly, but it's the only way this proposed Educrap scheme achieves the stated goal: properly-hyphenated inmates taught, exclusively, by Educrats from their own race.

Unwilling to face this voluntary, Educrat-perpetrated re-segregation notion, this Seattle fishwrap wrings its hands about the many hurdles keeping properly-hyphenated teacher wannabes down. Is this high, teacher credential hurdle a dastardly oppressor plot? Hardly, and not even this lefty fishwrap goes there. In fact, they don't touch the real culprit, but I will. Teaching credentials are perpetrated, entirely, at the NEA's behest. They, deliberately, set out numerous hurdles to make sure that only "properly indoctrinated" mutants get the nod. Someone who has the skills and knows the subject matter need not apply, because they're no shit not wanted.

The mosting telling tidbit comes from 'Beatriz Clewell, who led a federal review of teacher-recruitment programs at the Urban Institute, a Washington, D.C., social-policy think tank' (Times):

'Teachers of color can be role models, Clewell said. "They tend to have higher expectations [of minority students] than white teachers. They're able to help students make the bridge from their home culture to the school-learning culture. And there is some limited research now showing that having a teacher of color increases [minority] student-achievement scores."...' (Times, emphasis added)

Translation: Terminally lefty, Korrectnik white Educrats view inmates as a "race", not an individual. They perpetrate the markedly racist axiom: all [insert any properly-hyphanted group] think alike and their knowledge, truth and reality differs from that of every other properly-hyphenated group. This fetid notion isn't a recipe for education; it's a recipe for racially-motivated indoctrination.

Ivory Tower Tolerance
Source: Denver Post [11/01]

Political discourse reached a new 'low' when a Fort Lewis College (Colorado) egghead, Maria Spero, kicked a student because he wore an Elephant Clan shirt. While grabbing a nosh at an off-campus eatery, the part time college instructor took one look at Mark O'Donnell's shirt - it read "Work for us now...or work for us later" - and kicked him in the slats. What happened to that Ivory Tower egghead mantra about "a free exchange of ideas"?

In her defense, Ms. Spero did express her regrets...at the time:

'...[After kicking Mark, Ms. Spero opined that:] "she should have kicked me harder and higher," O'Donnell said...' (Post)

This poster wench for Ivory Tower tolerance got apologetic, for real, after her victim reported her to the Ivory Tower and made noises about pressing charges. Among other things, she noted "...I did not know you and that you are a Fort Lewis student" (Post). Is this wench saying that it's cool to physically assault a political foe as long as he, she, or it isn't a student at her Ivory Tower? Bold new concept.

The essential lesson here is that emotionally-induced violence is this egghead's first response, when someone serves up opinions that conflict with her own political delusions. Her reaction tells you all you need to know about the Ivory Tower egghead mindset. Ivory Tower eggheads love free speech, as long as you tell them what they want to hear. Stray from approved Ivory Tower orthodoxy an you'll see what they really mean by 'a free exchange of ideas': if you exchange the wrong ideas, they'll assault you.

Perhaps I've been too hard on Maria 'Kick Him in The Slats' Spero...After all, she's just doing what comes naturally.


Affirmative Action Grading
Source: Front Page Magazine [12/27]

From time to time, a full-time egghead and part-time scribbler named Mike Adams serves up a stellar idea. This time out, he's promoting what he calls "affirmative action grading". This cutting-edge concept involves giving students credit for scholastic travails caused by unforeseen, life sucks, difficulties. His inspiration stems from a recent encounter with a female student who believed that she deserved a better final grade from Mike Adam's class:

'...She had had a "rough" semester and wanted me to give her some "consideration" for the difficulties she had encountered, which, according to her, adversely affected her performance in my class. In addition to breaking up with her boyfriend, this concerned student was having difficulty paying her bills and had to work 30 hours a week while taking fifteen credit hours last semester. These difficulties added up, in her opinion, to at least a one letter grade drop in her class performance...' (Front Page)

Under affirmative action grading, this whining wench gets the grade she thought get, if life hadn't intruded. Bold new concept. Mike Adams earns eagerly conferred kudos for this inspired swipe at Affirmative Action.

If you want to enjoy Mike's affirmative grading prose in all its glory, it's in 'Front Page Magazine's' December 27 archive under the title: "Affirmative Action Grading"

Making The Monologues Properly-Diverse
Source: Oregon Daily Emerald (University of Oregon) [12/21]

That infamous NO-NAD diatribe against patriarchal oppression, "The Vagina Monologues", is getting assailed by certain properly-hyphenated suspects because it's too white, too straight and too skinny. No shit, although it's steeped in victimism, "The Vagina Monologues" is under assault from the properly-hyphenated horde because it isn't diverse enough to suit certain perpetually-offended whiners at this rain-soaked, Oregon Ivory Tower. According to University graduate Nicole Barrett, NO-NADs of "a variety of skin colors, body sizes, abilities and gender expressions" are egregiously underrepresented. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you and so is this shrill Harpy who issued a public statement bitch-slapping the play's purveyors.

The Daily Emerald offered the following snippets of Barrett blithering:

"I would just like to call attention to the fact that this could have been a more diverse cast, but a safe and welcoming environment was not created for people that I consider to be 'underrepresented,'..."

"Know that what you are seeing tonight is not the result of an inclusive process. Know that this space was not one where honest questions and concerns about race were tolerated."

"The Vagina Monologues is a very good cause but not all women were represented in this production of the monologue."

Senior Katie McClatchey, the shows director, offered to establish 'a dialog' with the play's properly-hyphenated critics, but that probably won't satisfy a shrieker like Barrett. Is a happy, NO NAD ending out of the question? Not necessarily. This lowly patriarchal oppressor has a modest suggestion to resolve this contentious issue: Why don't these whining bitches settle this the old fashioned way, in a campus-wide, claw each others eyes out, winner gets to cast the play, pay-per-view? I guarantee it will make a lot more money than this pathetic, NO-NAD play. Why must I always do the heavy, intellectual, lifting for these chronically-oppressed whiners? I give, and give and give...[Sigh]

What's He Doing Here?
Source: Daily Tribune (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin) [12/16]

Keith Bukowski knows he must compete on the high school level, if he expects to get a slot on an Ivory Tower's gymnastic team, but there's one pesky problem: his government cess-school only has a girl's gymnastic team. Borrowing a page from past shyster adventures that allowed high school wenches to compete on boy's football and wrestling teams, Keith launched a legal bid to land a slot on the girl's gymnastic team. Bold new concept.

'..."This discrimination on account of (Bukowski's) sex is in violation of ... education amendments. ... which prohibits discrimination based upon sex in extracurricular activities at public schools," according to the complaint filed at the county courthouse....' (Daily Tribune)

Keith enjoys considerabale support in his quest, thanks to then 300 students at Steven's Point Area High School (SPASH) who signed a petition supporting Keith's bid to compete in his chosen sport. Will he become the 'new girl in town' on the SPASH gymnastics team? When I know, you'll know. Until then...stay tuned.

Too Real in Nebraska
Source: Sacramento Bee [12/14]

In their effort to attract prospective students to their Nebraska-based Ivory Tower, Doane College sent out some postcards that have NO-NAD panties in a wad. Proving that Amerika's legendary sense of humor is on life support, the usual suspects are in a tizzy over the postcard's cartoon:

'...One frame shows student playing football for the Doane Tigers, with a caption that reads: "Finally, a place where he could work toward the career of his choice. And also play the field." The next frame shows him talking to a group of attractive women and is captioned: "And play the field some more."...' (Bee)

If you're lucky enough to bag one of the 13,500 future collector's items, be a sport and send a copy of it to your favorite pagan scribbler. I swear on my copy of Catherine Mac Kinnon's "Only Words" that the 'offensive' phrase "play the field" won't make me go out and objectify women.

Zero Tolerance In Philly
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [12/11]

City of Brotherly Love Educrats had a 10-year old government cess-school wenchlet handcuffed and carted off to the slammer because she - gasp - had the temerity to bring 8-inch scissors to school. Has this wenchlet no shame? Who knows what might happen...she could do untold damage to the cess-school's construction paper, if she isn't careful. Shocking!

In addition to getting carted off to jail, the wenchlet faces a five day suspension, plus, the liklihood of being 'expelled to a special disciplinary school'. If that doesn't kill any residual incentive to learn that this 4th grade cess-school inmate still has, nothing will. Congratulations, Philly Educrats, you snuffed out another eager mind with your asinine zero tolerance antics.

Korrectnik Comeuppance
Source: Sacramento Bee [12/03]

The red ink chickens are coming home to roost for the Hell-A cess-school Educrats who evicted junk food from cess-school campuses last year. These Hell-A Educrats learned the hard way that when cess-school inmates refuse to buy the new, approved 'healthy' snacks, it costs the school money, big money - an estimated $1,000 or more per week/per school. Big, big fun.

'...Schools in the San Fernando Valley lost $301,820 in beverage revenue in the first three months of 2004 after Los Angeles Unified School District officials banned soda sales. The junk food ban took effect in July and while figures aren't available, school officials say there is no question the replacement baked chips and lowfat ice cream aren't making the grade...' (Bee)

Hell-A Educrats continue to hang tough, insisting that, sooner or later, the inmates will start eating the approved snacks. To make the new nibbles more palatable, Educrats are sending up trial balloons, claiming that all the missing snack revenue goes to support extracurricular school activities. In other words, if they can't persuade the inmates to do the right thing, Educrats are willing to coerce them into it. Bold New Concept.

It's refreshing to know that even reality-insulated Educrats aren't immune to marketplace forces. Welcome to the real world, Educrat punks.


The eBay Erotic Educrat Caper
Houston Chronicle

A Houston Elementary School teacher, Edward Wu is a firm believer in the venerable adage: it pays to advertise. His enthusiasm for this adage took a nosedive, thanks to an eye-opening ad he placed on the sell anything Internet site, eBay. The fun fact here is that the product being touted is none other than Edward Wu himself:

'...News2Houston Investigators caught local elementary school teacher Edward Wu selling himself on eBay, offering to be an imaginary pen pal, boy toy or man prostitute. He even offered his used underwear to the highest bidder...' (Chronicle)

As eye-opening as this Educrat's ad is -and it's out there, big time - his fate got sealed when he listed his hobbies and occupation with these stop the presses words: 'a first-grade teacher who enjoys making kids cry' (Chronicle). Ed, dude, what the hell are you smoking?

To demonstrate how utterly screwed government cess-schools are, we need only examine the results from our hero's brain-fart. The parents are going postal, clamoring for Ed's 'head'...both of them little and big...on a pike. Edward is so apologetic it's sickening, claiming he was 'joking'. Yeah right dude. Did he get fired? Nope. All he got was a 'letter of reprimand' in his personnel file. File this under, 'how Educrap unions destroy our government cess-schools' in your Educrap archives.

Louisiana Educrap
Source: World Net Daily

Since this item appeared on this holy roller infested site, I tend to take it with a grain of salt. The story, if true, involves a 7-year-old lad who is condemned to government cess-school inmate status, the poor bastard. That's where his plight took an ugly turn, if you're willing to take the ACLU's report as factual:

'..According to an AP report, Marcus McLaurin was waiting for recess Nov. 11 at Ernest Gallet Elementary School in Lafayette when a classmate asked him about his mother and father, the ACLU said in a complaint. The boy responded he had two mothers because his mother is "gay." When the other child asked for an explanation, Marcus told him: "Gay is when a girl likes another girl," according to the complaint...' (WND)

His responses sound harmless, and as good a way to tell another kid about 'gay' as I've ever heard. The school didn't agree, apparently, since - according to the ACLU - the teacher lectured Marcus about his foul language in front of his classmates. The next week, Marcus got exiled to a behavior modification scream-a-thon, the last damn thing any kid that age deserves.

For once, the ACLU seems to be on the right side of a lawsuit. File this with your Educrap archives under, why one-size-fits-all government cess-schools don't work.

Zero Tolerance In Dixie
Source: Shreveport Times

Thanks to a state law that bans government cess-school inmates from bringing 'medication' - defined by the law as "all prescription and non prescription drugs" to school, a Louisiana high school sophomore faces a one year expulsion for bringing over the counter medication - Advil - to school with her. Zero tolerance is Draconian Nanny Government on steroids, and another reason why Educrap must be ripped from Nanny Government hands and returned to rational adult supervision via the marketplace.

Imposing A 'White' Group Identity
Source: S. F. Chronicle

This lefty, Bay Area fishwrap gloats over the fact that a mythical group 'whites' are the minority in many Mexifornia schools. This article's stated theme: white cess-school inmates' ineffectual attempts to form 'Caucasian Student Clubs' masks this story's most important factiod. The real breaking news here is the egghead cabal's initial success in pressuring certain melanin-deficient individuals to self-identify based entirely on their immutable traits.

A second factoid in this fishwrap story is the reporter's gloating that cites whites as a shrinking demographic 'in many schools in Santa Clara, Alameda and San Francisco counties where Caucasians, in the past three decades, have been a shrinking population. It's an indication of things to come, with implications for the next generation. Though whites as the minority is unique to California and the Bay Area now, census figures show it will soon be the reality in many regions of the country' (Chronicle). It's all about diversity and in this case 'diversity' can be defined as an Ethnocrat code word for ganging up to oppress so-called 'oppressors'.

"People have a hard time separating 'whiteness' from 'racism.' That's why our conversations about race can sometimes be superficial. That's why we have people who are afraid to say what's really on their minds. If these kids feel this way in their schools, you have to wonder what white students feel when they're in schools where they are decidedly the minority." (Dr. Beverly Tatum, President of a prominent Ebony Tower, Spellman College as quoted by the Chronicle.)

This Ethnocrat wench threw down the race-baiting gauntlet, challenging oppressors to pick it up by self-identifying with a mythical group called 'white'. Regardless of melanin content, sovereign individuals must eschew an assigned group identity. They must stand firm by proclaiming their true, volitional, individual identity. Individuals are not defined, at birth, by their immutable traits. Embrace your individual identity, because it's the best way to defeat race-baiting Ethnocrats like Dr. Tatum...the best way to derail the diversity juggernaut.

APRIL 2004

Ivory Tower Turmoil
Source: Tongue Tied  [4/19]

Two Cornell-based vast right-wingnut campus publications - the Cornell Review; the Cornell American - have properly-hyphenated panties in a bunch.  This campus Korrectnik caper started when the Cornell Review dared to ask why a melanin-enriched assault victim got hate crime status but a white race assault victim didn't.  The Cornell American tilted incurred campus Korrectnik wrath when they tilted the Affirmative Action windmill.  It's big ethnocrat fun time at Cornell...again.

The following quote puts ethnocrat myopia in perspective:

'..."There is a thin line between freedom of speech and being responsible. When you are stereotyping and putting people into groups that is a problem," said Sarah Elliot, president of the Cornell chapter of the NAACP...' (Tongue Tied)

This ethnocrat wench needs a reality check, stat, and I'm just the one to administer it.  When it comes to "stereotyping and putting people into groups", she and her demented diversity dolt cohorts are second to none.  Her Korrectnik scum invented group think, the group identity, voluntary, Ivory Tower-based group segregation and all that goes with it.  It's the ultimate hypocrisy for her to complain about a brain-fart that she perpetrated.  If she must blame somebody, the real culprit is a close as the nearest mirror.  Don't make me come over there...

Arizona Educrap

Source: Arizona Republic [4/16]

Technically, Roosevelt Elementary School District resides in Arizona, but the educrats running the place seem to think it belongs in Mexico.  How else do you explain the thrilling fact that, last month, they staged a spelling bee, in Spanish?  'Explain' is the operative word here, because state Associate Superintendent Margaret Garcia-Dugan  wants Roosevelt educrats to explain why they are blatantly violating the state's English-only classroom requirements.

Although I'm not fluent in educrap speak, it's a virtual certainty that the phrase "it's for the children" will take center stage, sooner or later.  While Roosevelt educrats are in explain mode, they might want to explain why taxpayers are forced to pay for this Spanish lingo bovine excrement.  I'd like to hear that one myself.

Every now and then an educrat 'gets it' and Ms. Garcia-Dugan made the cut with these pertinent remarks:

"If we want these kids to be productive citizens of this country, we have to afford them every opportunity to learn English as quickly as possible."  (Arizona Republic)

Houston Lowers The Cess-School Bar

Source: AP [4/9]

Houston educrats took a long, hard look at the 5000 government cess-school inmates destined to repeat their ninth or tenth grade exploits and promptly surrendered.  Faster than you can say ‘social promotion’, Houston educrats are offering excuses to explain why they shoved these losers into a higher grade.  Anticipating their critics, educrats dished out more empty promises:

‘...the change does not amount to social promotion, the district's trustees said, because those students still will have to pass classes they failed before they graduate. Instead, they said, the new promotion policy offers more flexibility and avoids branding students as failures when they fail just one class...’ (AP)

This happy horseshit smells like business as usual, to this pagan.  I don’t call them government cess-schools because they smell like a rose garden.

Educrap Reeks, Even In Alaska
Source: Las Vegas Sun [4/8]

Faced with a shyster assault by disability-bonkers assclowns, Alaska’s educrats just decreed that ‘high school seniors with disabilities will not need to pass the state’s new high school exit exam to graduate this spring’ (Sun).  Disabled idiots with self esteem?  Why the hell not..reading, writing and arithmetic are so last century.

Ivory Tower Antics
Source: Town Hall [4/8]

A Gulag Ivory Tower - San Francisco State University - is drowning in $14 million dollars worth of red ink, but the tower’s chief egghead - President Robert Corrigan - has a plan.  Determined to preserve mainstream higher educrap fare - Raza Studies, Recreational and Leisure Studies. Women Studies, plus, the Institute on Sexuality, Social Inequality and Health, to name a few - he announced his plan to jettison his Ivory Tower’s School of Engineering.

What’s wrong with this picture?  Every- god damn - thing.


No Man's Land
Source: NY Post

The Big Apple's Ivory Tower - CUNY - has 17 campuses, all of where are wench havens by a whopping 2-to-1 margin, minimum. The Post cites the following examples:

• At Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, 78 percent of the students are women. Only 22 percent are men.

• At Hostos Community College in The Bronx, 75 percent of students are women and 25 percent are men.

• At Lehman College in The Bronx, 72 percent of students are women and 28 percent are man.

Tell me, again, how NO-NADs are oppressed at Ivory Towers! Given these statistics, the question that must be asked is "Who is there to oppress them?". Amerika's college campuses are not shit, rapidly becoming 'No Man's Land'. Thrill me.

Headcount Bingo In Houston
Source: Houston Chronicle

Educrats in this Lone Star state enclave are in a whiz-a-thon over government cess-school inmates who 'assault and terrorize' teachers. Teachers union flacks accuse school superintendents of keeping the thugs in school to preserve those all important headcount related dollars that flow into the school's coffers.

'...[Houston Federation of Teachers President Gayle Fallon insists that] schools have a financial incentive not to remove students before Nov. 1 because they could lose funding if kids are sent to an alternative school. The official enrollment count is taken at the end of October...' (Chronicle)

School administrators deny it, of course. Did anyone expect them to admit it? No doubt, compulsory government cess-school zealots want to believe school administrators. They're not alone in this belief. A federal court of appeals came down with a resounding 'they won't do that' ruling, not that it really matters. The problem lies elsewhere.

Thugs in the classroom go with the territory when you compel all young'uns to attend school. Mandatory government cess-school zealots - including the teachers - created this educrap hell. It's very fitting that they burn in it.

Emerilizing Grade Inflation
Source: Washington Times

A Maryland teenage wenchlet named Lauren Lee was stunned - and then some - when she got her grades from Sherwood High School. Stunned probably isn't the right word for her reaction, given the fun fact that Lauren doesn't attend Sherwood High. In fact, she never, at any time in her life, set foot in the place, but that didn't stop 2 teachers from giving her an 'A' for classes she never attended.

The fun started when she graduated from Rosa Parks Middle School. Rosa Parks officials sent Lauren's school records to Sherwood, but Lauren enrolled in a local parochial school, Good Counsel High School, instead. Apparently, attendance is optional at Sherwood and, therefore, not required for top grades.

At this rate, Lauren could get Doctorates from Princeton, any minute now. File this epic under 'why government Educrap reeks'.

The Case of The Tenured Tyrant
Source: NY Post

Twelve years after A Bronx government cess-school teacher - Terence Benson - got nailed by school officials for his first - but far from last - sexual harassment incident with a student, Educrats finally succeeded in firing this horndog asshat. His epic saga highlights a key factor that makes government cess-schools suck.

Read the following incidents excerpted from the N.Y. Post piece then true to answer the burning question: "Why do we make it damn near impossible to fire tenured, union-protected asshats like Terence?

'...Official documents from the arbitration hearing, obtained by The Post, show Brunson guilty of:

• Demanding - in writing - the "immediate" transfer of three lesbian students from his class because they had "views upon which I disagreed with."

• Directing "all homosexual students in his [class] to raise their hands and publicly identify themselves."

• Telling a lesbian student - whom Brunson said he had thought was a boy - to "show" him she was female, and then telling her, "I could get a guy to turn you straight."

• Telling students, "All gay people are going to hell," and, "God made Adam and Eve, not Alecia [or Alice] and Eve"

"For [a teacher] of Mr. Brunson's seniority and training to make such statements regarding gay students goes against the very precepts of tolerance and diversity," wrote State Education Department hearing examiner Dr. Joel M. Douglas in his ruling to fire Brunson.

Other jaw-dropping conduct that led to Brunson's firing, according to official documents, included:

• Making sexual overtures to a female student.

• Sexually harassing adult females at the school...'

If you, your family, or your friends have school age kids, be afraid, be very afraid. Horndog Terence is not an isolated case. Tenure-shielded crappy teachers are not in government cess-school exception; they're the rule. Until we flush government Educrap, Amerika's school age kids are at risk from Terence and all the other teacher credentialed lowlifes.

– Compiled by T.D. Treat

© Copyright 1993-2005 PIG - The Politically Incorrect Gazette




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